Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

He’s back)))))))


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This couple has good possibilities. Nice looking.


Sebastian not impressed, just waiting to know if is going to fuck the woman in visit or just going to s___p… :wink:

@Sebastian nothing serious, but you just accidently moved cam2 a bit towards the window

Rodger. There’s a D in there. Ariela likes the D. :smirk:

I fixed it I gave her a D :grin: Thanks

Pendant que Ariela reçoit et discute avec ses invités, Seb se branle dans la baignoire! Visiblement il n’en a “rien à branler” des gens dans la cuisine… :laughing:

Ariela, déclenche quelque chose, stp. Là, à part parler rien ne se passe… On attends tous une réaction, un truc qui nous donne envie de rester… Je ne sais pas, peut-être qu’ils ne sont pas dans le coup. Et sinon, pourquoi pas aller dans le salon, commencer à caresser la fille, et voir la suite après!

probably because it only works that way in your imagination :wink:

I guess it’s just a get-to-know meeting. to get a taste of whether more is feasible at some point in the future…

Sebastian est mon mari) Il exauce tous mes caprices, m’emmène en voyage, prend soin de moi et de ma famille et m’aime tout simplement infiniment :smirk: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Moi, à mon tour, j’assume l’entière responsabilité du nettoyage de l’appartement et de la cuisine) C’est le moins que je puisse faire pour lui) Son travail en ce moment est beaucoup plus difficile que le mien​:relieved::blush: Mais merci pour votre inquiétude, sympa)


Liebling, wenn du nicht gut kochen kannst, kannst du immer Google verwenden))) Das sind spezielle Taschen zum BACKEN im Ofen und in der Mikrowelle) Danke nicht für die Klarheit​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

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It’s not strange) It’s just that someone is very lonely or he is offended by someone and you want everything to be bad for others and therefore he says nasty things (( But Sebastian and I never notice such phrases))) We just live as we like, love each other and are happy to communicate with those who are glad to see us on this forum) And if someone is not satisfied with the results of my cleaning in the apartment - that person is always can come to us and clean up for free the way he thinks is right)))) Or order a cleaning service for cleaning according to his recommendations​:grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smile::smile: It seems to me that this is always the right thought :grin: hahaha


Oh oui, j’ai été très malade dans la journée aujourd’hui… Mais le soir tout était déjà en ordre. Merci pour votre inquiétude :see_no_evil:

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Don’t worry Ariela, there is a huge amount of us that love and apreciate you and Seb. :heart::heart::heart:


Can I??? :stuck_out_tongue:

I would love to come and visit you and have a chat with you over a cup of coffee while dreaming into Ariel’s eyes.

You two are wonderful.

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Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN

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I wouldn’t dare any further


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Those eyes :heart_eyes:


I have to say that Ariela is one of the ones I don’t see as a sex object. You know my principle, I don’t come here for the wank, my fetishes are elsewhere, especially the JAV, which I have mentioned many times.

Ariela is a stunning package, a gorgeous woman, a calm character, her lengthy hair is k__ling me, her sweet face… Unlike others, I admire their relationship, few could ride it as they do.

When it’s a busy day I like to come into their realm, just to watch them cook, or when they are calmly _____ing juice at the table, it calms me down. Looking at them puts a little damper on the craziness of my days. They are special to me.

I do love them.