Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

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Well said Ariela and we should thanks for putting your feelings in writing. I like that about your realm. Keep on living your life by your choice not ours! :star_struck:


I think you are one of the most authentic couples on this site. It is such a pleasure watching you and Seb, you bring joy and happiness to My Lonely Heart.

Continue to be natural that’s the way I love to see you

@Sebastian , thank you both for the honest answers you give to our comments and inquiries, and for the :+1: you sometimes give to our comments - it is very refreshing to know that you read our comments and are interested enough in what we say to respond to us. :sunglasses:.


Have you heard of a punctuation mark called a period?? :thinking: Your sentence is the size of a paragraph, has two commas, a dash and three ands… :sweat_smile:

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The - can be used as an extended period point. If , is a short intake of breath and . is the end of a statement then - becomes either a space to collect thoughts or an extended intake of breath. At least his post isn’t peppered with superfluous superlatives - I detest superfluous superlatives.

Also, his post is a positive one conveying a sentiment that we should all be more cognisant of and diligent with.

(I haven’t slept all night, braining is hard right now, don’t make me do it.)

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Yes, his post was positive one. I guess I was being too harsh.

Soooooorrrryyy :pleading_face:

I think this apartment is one of the best on VHTV, but I’ve been wondering about a visitor. Austin is kind of a shady guy to me: it looks like he’s been an uninvited guest lately, trying to be in the picture, although it seems quite clear that Ariela is not very interested in him anymore. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong? :heart_eyes: :thinking: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Thanks, @Albion , for the nice comments. I don’t know everything @NotSeth has been saying, because I put him and a couple of his immature buddies on a permanent Ignore list some time ago - so his posts are hidden from me unless I deliberately want to see them, which I don’t. That’s because I think he is a troll who just likes to insult and mock people and stir up a lot of s__t. I noticed this evening, whenever I have been in the forum, he seems to have been following me around a lot. So I just have one thing to say to @NotSeth - Fuck You,. And if that isn’t clear enough, here it is in international sign language - :fu: :fu: :fu:

Off to bed, byeeeeeeee baby GIF


Well, that is just silly that you would think that. You are being paranoid.

Hey, mate I said I was being a bit too harsh about your comment. If I also hurt your feelings my apologies. No need to use such harsh language.

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:heart_eyes: :s___ping: :zzz:


Malgré les bonnes intentions d’ARIELA je vois qu’elle se plait dans son désordre pour ne pas dire plus… Elle préfere passer du lit au canapé en passant par les wc toujours le téléphone à la main elle doit répondre aux solicitations de ses abonnés


If all you got from those 2 pics, is the fact that the place is not impeccable tidy, well, what can be said… :man_facepalming:


Whats your problem man??

This is a house where people live in… not a fuckin’showroom…

Get a life !

Or go clean your home


le sol est si sale qu’elle arrete pas de se froter les pieds

il y a un minimum je trouve que l’état de l’appartement ne correspond pas à son occupente

Then just watch other places and stop trolling :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I find Ariela & Sebastian to be really decent people that get on with their lives in front of us, but they do attract a lot of numpties on their thread speaking a lot of s__te. :man_facepalming:

Keep up the good work A&S some of us care about you :heart: