
The owner of this website ( does not allow hotlinking to that resource (/uploads/monthly_2021_09/anita-shower.gif.d98d77b02dfd99e2c67059930154c58d.gif). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pueden por favor solucionar el problema de conexión del departamento de anita, es mi departamento favorito me suscribí por ellos y lamentablemente han estado fuera de conexión demaciado tiempo, solucionenlo por favor.

Anita offline again that’s 3 out of the 4 +7 cam’s offline

The argument last night between Anita & Callum seems to have been forgotten as he’s back at the apartment now along with Luca & another guest guy who I think might be new.

But they have spent most of the time since he has been back arguing!

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And now that might be making up!

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Interesting - thanks. I haven’t really be watching, I just clicked on the apartment & saw he was there.

Anita will know that sex with all these different guys that visit night after night will bring her a lot more views than sex with only Callum every night. It will be interesting to see if she can persuade him to be more open. She clearly cares a lot about Callum or she would have got rid of him & his possessiveness by now.

What happened tonight? Anita was pissed off and the guys left the apartment

a lot of arguments with the guy she was having sex with started 2 days ago at archi and kataleya’s apartment

Why is Anita Offline?

I bet relocation soon :rofl:

E notado que callum no volvió más y anita duerme todo el día, que sucederá con anita se ve sola sin su amigo aldon quien la consuele, ellos pasaban mucho tiempo junto y lo vi consolarla más de una vez, espero que solucione sus problemas con callum y vuelvan a ser lo que eran antes, es mi departamento favorito la mayoría de las veces.

Surely VHTV must ensure that the place has decent internet before they open up an apartment. This place seems to be offline more than online.

we apologize dear viewers, in this apartment for more than 2 months there were no problems with the Internet. It all started when a provider installed new equipment throughout the house. To increase the speed. Apparently the provider’s equipment is not working properly. We’ve already called the repair crew. We were promised to fix the breakdown as soon as possible.

Thank you for letting us know.

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Can you tell us why all these places relocate so often? There are no other places moving so often like the places managed by you. And most of the places do not look very nice.

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Yes, this is a huge problem for us, Basically, the main conversions are Landlords. We are not located in Europe or even in Russia. People here have a different idea of ​​life. I can give you an example of the last move. with apartment Montana. due to complaint of noise at night. we also came across a Muslim neighbor who simply took out the doors for us at night from every unnecessary sound. You can see on cameras when the participants turn off the lights and look into the corridor. It’s probably hard for you to imagine, but it happens. We still have many beautiful apartments, with a poor developer, that is, there is no sound insulation.

   Unfortunately, when choosing apartments, we cannot check the noise level of the apartment, and we immediately get to know the neighbors.
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Maybe try to put some more effort in finding places where people can stay longer. Might take more time to find but the outcome will be much better…

At the moment, I have managed to find a not too expensive house. The house is unfurnished and unfurnished. The price is too overpriced for it for rent considering that there is nothing there. But the owner of the house will not come to us. And he gave complete freedom to renovate a themed house. We are already installing the Stage, Pylon and themed swing around the rooms. I would like to hear your opinion on what could be thought for the participants. I would like to create a special house for the participants, the most comfortable for the life of the participants, and I would also like to do something interesting for the project.