Alicia & Aderyn

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Take it from someone who has already been there and done that, You won’t win, his loyal followers can’t see no wrong with him

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He has already improved a bit … Whereby his attitude to housework there is quite old Russian thinking.

Alicia and Aderyn liked the Russian saying yesterday. Maybe he wanted more reward than just the action today. :sunglasses:

Look in the sink!

Oh yes, a glass bowl, a colander, another bowl (or is it a cup with a partly obscured handle?) and a few items of cutlery. Wow, how ‘terrible’ that they weren’t cleared up!

For crying out loud Lennie…really?!! :laughing: :roll_eyes:

Alicia Karaine rarely looks at comments and I reply to them with emoticons from her phone, probably I accidentally sent a wrong check to the post :wink: keep posting our photos


You really hate it when I prove you wrong.

You haven’t yet. :slight_smile:

How many dirty dishes are needed in the sink before Aderyn should wash them?

As I told you before in a previous post, quite remarkably on the same subject, Aderyn DOES do things like washing up, hoovering and other domestic duties. He did when he was a guest with Yan (in the same place) and still does now. It certainly isn’t about who “SHOULD” or shouldn’t do things.

Alicia as a strong minded young woman, if she doesn’t like things as they are, she will tell Aderyn. I think we can at least agree on that!

He didn’t do s__t when he lived with Yan and Flora. He still doesn’t do s__t living in the same place with Alicia. Tell the truth…I know you agree with me! Oh yeah - how many dishes should be in the sink before they need to be cleaned?

I don’t have to think about anything, I already read everything you write


Yes indeed, I was paying you a complement there. It was certainly intended to be, anyway. :slight_smile:

I was simply saying that if you don’t like things being (or not being) done, in a certain way in the apartment, you would respond accordingly. I guess Aderyn would do the same and between you, you would both work things out in a way that suits both of you.

What did you, in all seriousness, expect him to do that he wasn’t already doing? Washing up after meals (some of which he prepared for himself and the others), Using the vacuum cleaner, tidying the place when necessary - all things he has done plenty of times.

Are we talking about the same Aderyn? I don’t know who you are talking about. I’m talking about the same guy I complained about, the same s__t, months ago. He hasn’t changed to help with doing stuff back then to help Flora and now to help Alicia. You know I’m right….stop your lies about Aderyn. I thought you were a good, honest person. You cannot win this argument because I am right! I expect him to do his fair share. It’s not like he lives in a huge house. It would be nice if he just helped out 30 minutes a day. But he’s too lazy to even do that! What else does he do other than sit around and play with his dick?! (Alicia, does it not bother you that you have to do everything to keep the household clean, along with cooking, and doing the laundry?)

I do not watch this realm but have read some comments and my thoughts. In this day and age with partnerships it is mostly 50% each if they work or not, however, if Alicia is content with what goes on, who are we to voice our disproval at what goes on.

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Maybe I should offer to play with it for him! :laughing:

David you are 100% correct. We all know Lennie boy is arrogant and big headed and he even has to convince himself he is right by always writing on here he is right.:joy: We all know of course he is always wrong.

Well said @Winston119973 :+1: