Alicia & Aderyn

I’m just trying to make Aderyn a better person by shaming him on this forum (which is not hard to do). Also, I believe if he did get off his ass and do more for Alicia she would appreciate the help which would improve their relationship, therefore, making Aderyn a better person.

Timmy boy…so what have I said is wrong? Here we go again. You make statements that you cannot prove are correct.

John78 - are you making the pop corn?

Who be great for Alicia to let a treesome whith her and Aderyn and the new girl. Apartment is getting boring

Ok, one like everybody else who has commented I have seen Aderyn do domestic chores which includes the washing up.

Two, there are just a few things in the sink that haven’t been washed up, how do you know he won’t do it later. As always you try and find one thing so you can have a go at Aderyn.

You are never satisfied unless you are having a go at Aderyn, I will say you are trolling him.

Have you got it now Lennie boy!

You can count on one hand what Aeryn has done to help out Flora and Alicia to keep the apartment clean, do the cooking, and help out with the laundry. Again, you know I’m right. I am willing to bet Alicia ends up doing the dishes and cleaning up after her guests.

I do not have any loyalty to Aderyn (look at my previous comments with Aylin) but he looks happy with Alicia and as long as they are happy prepared to accept.

Hahahahahahahaha Lennie I just love your ridiculous comments, you really put a smile on my face.

Lennie boy again trying to convince us all, as well as himself that he is right. That is so funny Lennie boy really funny, and you know what, NOBODY BELIEVES YOU!!!

I think he treats Alicia pretty good. He does not make me cringe anymore like I use to when he was a quasi, semi-professional pornstar. The man has an insatiable appetite for sex. I admire that in him. (Did you ever think I would say something like that about Aderyn?) I just cringe every time he should help Alicia do something and he doesn’t. If it weren’t for sex he would do nothing, and I mean nothing, nada, zero, zip, nil, zilch!

Hey, Timmy boy……again you cannot name any facts to prove your point. Nah…nah, nah, nah….nah….! I guess I’m right….again.

John78…how’s the pop corn?

Bored Typography GIF by Feibi McIntosh

Sorry guys, i am working so no time really :s___py:

Everything suits me if I get in the mood to clean the whole house, I don’t want someone to help me, because this help, on the contrary, interferes, the same thing with cooking, I don’t like it when someone interferes. Responsibilities are distributed, we always take turns vacuuming. You don’t see much behind the scenes, but in fact Aderin helps me a lot, often runs to the store for me if I ask, only he takes out the garbage, I have never done this :laughing: Of course, I mostly wash the dishes, but it doesn’t bother me much


Thank you for clarifying that all is good with Aderyn’s laziness. I understand that you would rather do stuff without being interfered with. I personally have never seen Aderyn help out in any way other than doing the dishes once and going to the store once. I have missed the time he vacuumed the floor. How many times has he done that? What makes me cringe is like what happened yesterday when you were making the sofa from a bed to a sofa. Aderyn stood close by, looked at his phone, played with his balls and did not do a thing to help you. I have a hard time trying to understand how he just stood there, did not help, and probably not feel guilty or shame for not helping you! The other day you were gone for a long time. I kept checking in on Aderyn to see if he would do anything while you were out. There were dirty dishes in the sink. It made me cringe and irritated that he would not stop playing with his dick, get off the sofa bed, and spend 10 minutes to wash the dishes. My mind cannot comprehend how he would just lie there for hours playing with his dick and not do something! How would you have felt if when you walked in the door the apartment was neat and clean and the dishes were washed and put away? I think Aderyn is lazy. I think he can do more to help you out. It’s not fair for you to have to do everything. It’s not the way I was brought up! It’s hard for me to comprehend what it would be like to be a male in Russia not having to do your fair share.

You stated, “Of course, I mostly wash the dishes, but it doesn’t bother me much.” Why did you include “much” in that statement? It must bother you some that he doesn’t help you more.

He sure is lucky to have you as a partner!!

Hey David - 22 hours and the same dishes are in the sink! I guess there are not enough for Aderyn to clean them?! How many dishes are needed to have to clean them. You might be right. Five is not enough - need more!

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Why don’t you take her word and stop antagonising so much? You might be crossing the line into toxicity

Can`t believe i actually agree with you for once :open_mouth: :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s good that we can block other contributors if you are tired of their drivel. It is good for you that the participants can’t block us. You might be on your own, paying for nothing!

Thank you Alicia. You have made it very clear that you and Aderyn are very happy together and you each share the responsibilities of running your household. Perhaps this will once and for all will end Lennie boy’s vile comments directed towards Aderyn, but somehow I suspect it will not stop, he simply cannot stand Aderyn.

Alicia you have proved with your comment that Lennie boy is totally WRONG and left him with egg on his face!!!

Don’t expect an apology from Lennie boy just expect more a___e from him.

It is nice and refreshing to know that you are both committed to each other and long may it continue. Take care.


I know we have not always agreed Francis but on this I totally agree with you. It is to the point that I feel @Lennie185278 is almost trolling Aderyn.


But the holiday went to a distant place … :sunglasses:

Aderyn also has other toys…

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