Aderyn & Aylin

Correction: she’s heading out with the guy. Looks like Aderyn is staying in.

If she has another pair I mean her but was s___p and as soon as another dude came over she jumped up packed him up some food and left with him she need to pack her stuff matter fact he should pack her stuff up so she can go find her other pair if a dude it was she doing to him to another girl girls will be flipping but she thinks what she doing is OK

OK I’m from the old school and I don’t know about what do you mean by when I lost but if you have an agreement like you say they do you do not bring your dirty laundry home and the fact of the matter that she is letting other guys come over there and she ends up leaving with the m____r guys but she lays naked in the bed with him business is business and dirty laundry is dirty laundry

Ese chico que llegó ahora ¿no es el mismo chico gay que estuvo con aldon en el departamento de archi y kataleya?

If you mean the one who has been with Aldon over the last few days then no, it isn’t.

Different time zone too.

Yes, it is completely different.

I meant by that, no matter what was done before. It’s over. You can’t ride a dead horse. No matter how you try.

Now to the topic, both people are young.

Imagine you’re 20 and someone comes to you and says you can make more money than your parents (maybe together) if you line up well and can fuck the most amazing women.

Then the idea is refined, you find a woman and someone tells you, now have the jackpot. Move into an apartment with her and you can do whatever you want. You may (not) notice that the lady may see more the possibility of money than the experiment.

In the apartment together, where you may have hoped to fuck every day (similar to the hosts in the old apartment), do not go up.

But there is sex without much passion, it feels more like business and fulfillment of duty.

Then your girl comes with ideas from other men and you think to yourself, we hardly have sex, why other men.

After verbal battles, you are thrown at the head that they don’t really want sex with you. The lady loves sex, but with others.

It comes to sex and you try to make the woman happy. Hope that maybe everything will be fine after all. But nothing will be good…

I haven’t seen that with the boy right now, I should actually still be working. I’m sure I’ve only done 80% of my work today.

OK Max I agree with you on some of it but if I’m gonna come into something like this I’m going to find a girl that actually wants to have sex with me while we’re making money not keep bringing other guys over in my face and you pay more attention to them then you do to me that’s just disrespectful because you don’t agree to an arrangement I’ll say and that arrangement means that you’ll be in the same house having sex but one of you gets to pick and choose when y’all have sex no it don’t work like that

Aylin obviously doesn’t want her to watch them, she wants to be alone at home at the time.

My clear my shortly, the project of the two has failed. One or both should go.

All that is being done now is dirty laundry, full consent.

I was unfortunately busy in the forum for 2 hours because of the r__e, so only now the answer.

Who is that guy?

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If this woman can be so obnoxious with her roommate, why shouldn’t she be with any future roommate? (google translation)

Where you got that information?

From Armand178109 at 6h

This is the best transliteration from only what I could hear, which was only a little because they talked low and the poor sound quality.

Aylin: Space is not being in your presence more.

We cannot even talk normally together.

I needed personal space, only with them. This is a conversation with me that I wanted to discuss with him. I cannot with the two of them when you are sitting here fucking listening.

Write whatever you want I didn’t want you to know that.

No, there is no other place. What can I fucking do?

Aderyn: Why are we disconnecting?

I told you that the message was not received.

Aylin: I do not have feelings for you, m____rfucker. You will recall that I realized that I was wrong, and it was a false feeling because I do not want to be with you now and do not want to build. I have another different path. I don’t like you, you moron, I just said.

I don’t have any fucking supernatural feelings for you. You are just the person I live with.

Then just normal talking about other things…

Aylin: It turned me on they wrote about what I want with other guys. And you will be serious about the messages because you don’t understand, I’m dating.

Then just normal talking about other things…

I got the impression that Aylin was cool with just having sex outside of an exclusive relationship, but Aderyn was not from some of the conversation.

Disclaimer: I’m not fluent, I just did the best I could.

Damm. She is cold as hell.

The thing to that is she isn’t inhibiting him to bring other girls around to entertain in fact I’m fairly certain someone translated before that she told him she wanted an open relationship before moving in together meaning he too could bring friends around and it was him that refused.

Well i do think he realy needs to bring come girls and spare is friends, to many guys around her. She needs competicion and that will make this interressing.

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For some cleaning can be ther__eutic