Aderyn & Aylin

It’s a real shame what’s happening in the apartment right now. One person is alone in the bathroom and the other games in the living room.

Who is that hiding in bathroom?

And she poop in the living room :rofl:

Aylin is in the bathroom using the facility

Not bad things happened here, these are face masks. :rofl:


Firstly nobody knows whether or not her m____r is sick or in fact she did visit. Many are assuming it to be a lie when it fact her m____r is sick and she did go visit her. The photo could have been after the visit. I and nobody else can confirm that.

As possibly the only female on this thread, I would like to offer my perspective. :woman:

I want to establish a few things from the start. I have no skin in this game. I do not know either Aderyn or Aylin, I have not communicated with either and they have not communicated with me. I watched them in Yan and Flora’s apartment and now in their spinoff. I do not understand Russian. I have read both forums and have watched the A&A apartment since it went live.

In another lifetime I was a debater and I went to law school. You have been warned. :wink: :rofl:

What we seem to have is a lot of conspiracy theorists on the forum who have made their own conclusions based on body language. Aderyn has shared a little with us so we have his version of a few things. I invite Aylin to post on the forum to clarify some issues for us so we have her side.

More than anything, the communication needs to be between Aylin and Aderyn, not between either of them and the users posting on the forum.

I implore everyone not to jump to conclusions regarding the photo that Aderyn confirmed was sent to him from Aylin.

  • There was no timestamp on the photo that Aderyn posted (since deleted). We do not know when it was taken.
  • I am unsure if the guys in the photo are Aderyn’s friends or Aylin’s. If they were Aylin’s friends then the photo may have been taken at any point.
  • It was interesting sleuthing to notice that Aylin was wearing the same underwear in the apartment as she had on in the photo. But this proves nothing. Users were recently commenting that Marica seems to wear the same underwear every other day. It is unknown how often the participants do laundry (and you need to get a life if you have been charting how frequently they wash their clothes :woman_facepalming: :roll_eyes:). I also s___p in old UCLA t-shirts I acquired when I was a student. I graduated in 2002. Photos of me wearing the same t-shirt would prove nothing other than that I am cheap and like my washed-out t-shirts. :rofl:
  • The photo is not incriminating other than that Aylin is in her underwear around a bunch of guys. That basically describes VHTV on any day that ends in Y. She may have posed for the photo (clearly taken by someone else in the room) with the express purpose of sending it to Aderyn. That makes her vindictive and immature, nothing else. In the same light, we also need to remember that Aderyn was naked at the “housewarming party” right after they went live. I believe he was the only one. I get that it was clickbait and that it does not prove anything other than that he was naked.

What we have basically all concluded is that Flora has assisted in this rocky rollout. We saw the Facetime communication between A&A and Flora. Aylin and Aderyn have made more attempts to satisfy the VHTV users. Those attempts came after visits to Flora’s apartment and the Facetime chat. Aylin started using the Flora pose toward a camera in the living room. Aderyn and Aylin had sex in the tub and in bed. But we need to take these things at face value. It may or may not indicate anything about their relationship together and may have more to do with Flora helping them to be successful in the project.

Some have argued that it appears Aderyn is more into a relationship than Aylin is. Point taken. Some have not liked that Aylin rolls her eyes. I would be bankrupt if I had to pay a dollar for every time I have rolled my eyes at someone. Rolling one’s eyes is not earth-shattering unless someone makes it so. :roll_eyes:

I am uncertain where the forum arrived at the conclusion that Aylin wants an open relationship. I may have missed where that was confirmed.

I know of several married and committed VHTV couples who have relationships that allow swinging. It takes a certain relationship where that would not lead to jealousy. Other couples are clear that they will only be with their partner. Yan and Flora, for example (though Flora half-heartedly teased with other girls, including Aylin), and Nina and Kira. And then there are people who seemingly have no commitments. Guido, in Yan and Flora’s apartment, is an example. He seemingly has a friends-with-benefits connection with Alice. Then he hooked up with Acy over several days. Now he is with Astrid. All within about two weeks.

I believe Aderyn and Aylin understand what is asked of them by being participants in this project. They are not merely living their lives for themselves. Their actions bring in money for the site as well as for themselves. They probably recognize that they need to make sacrifices. They both seem to be intelligent and they have already adapted within the apartment.

Maybe they will reach an agreement about whether they want to be with others while in the apartment together. Or perhaps they will try to be exclusive. It is pretty clear that they will need to arrive at some agreement because one can’t want an exclusive relationship while the other wants to be with different people.

We can all agree that certain behaviors stink of immaturity. How many of us can say that we never did something stupid within a relationship when we were their age?

I am giving them both credit for working their way through this. I thank them for sharing their lives with us. I am not going to judge them. And I am hoping that they will arrive at an amicable solution. :smiley: :hugs: :+1:

image this entry is too long to be translated by a translator did not master, many beeches :rofl: Can I summarize the manifest?

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Thanks for the head’s up. I’ll try again.

Sorry to create a problem.

The ideal way to translate is to copy and paste in small section.

image I translated it, but whoever wants to click on the translation button on the forum will not be able to do it.

As possibly the only female on this thread, I would like to offer my perspective. :woman:

I want to establish a few things from the start. I have no skin in this game. I do not know either Aderyn or Aylin, I have not communicated with either and they have not communicated with me. I watched them in Yan and Flora’s apartment and now in their spinoff. I do not understand Russian. I have read both forums and have watched the A&A apartment since it went live.

In another lifetime I was a debater and I went to law school. You have been warned. :wink: :rofl:

What we seem to have is a lot of conspiracy theorists on the forum who have made their own conclusions based on body language. Aderyn has shared a little with us so we have his version of a few things. I invite Aylin to post on the forum to clarify some issues for us so we have her side.

More than anything, the communication needs to be between Aylin and Aderyn, not between either of them and the users posting on the forum.

Как, возможно, единственная женщина в этой теме, я хотел бы предложить свою точку зрения. :женщина:

Я хочу с самого начала установить несколько вещей. У меня в этой игре нет скина. Я не знаю ни Адерина, ни Айлина, ни с кем не общался, и они не общались со мной. Я смотрел их в квартире Яна и Флоры, а теперь и в их спин-оффе. Я не понимаю по русски. Я читал оба форума и смотрел апартаменты A&A с тех пор, как они были запущены.

В другой жизни я был участником дебатов и пошел в юридический институт. Вы были предупреждены. : wink:: rofl:

Похоже, что у нас на форуме много теоретиков заговора, которые сделали свои собственные выводы на основе языка тела. Адерин кое-что поделился с нами, так что у нас есть его версия некоторых вещей. Я приглашаю Айлин оставить сообщение на форуме, чтобы прояснить для нас некоторые вопросы, чтобы мы были на ее стороне.

Прежде всего, общение должно происходить между Айлин и Адерином, а не между ними и пользователями, публикующими сообщения на форуме.

I implore everyone not to jump to conclusions regarding the photo that Aderyn confirmed was sent to him from Aylin.

  • There was no timestamp on the photo that Aderyn posted (since deleted). We do not know when it was taken.
  • I am unsure if the guys in the photo are Aderyn’s friends or Aylin’s. If they were Aylin’s friends then the photo may have been taken at any point.
  • It was interesting sleuthing to notice that Aylin was wearing the same underwear in the apartment as she had on in the photo. But this proves nothing. Users were recently commenting that Marica seems to wear the same underwear every other day. It is unknown how often the participants do laundry (and you need to get a life if you have been charting how frequently they wash their clothes :woman_facepalming: :roll_eyes:). I also s___p in old UCLA t-shirts I acquired when I was a student. I graduated in 2002. Photos of me wearing the same t-shirt would prove nothing other than that I am cheap and like my washed-out t-shirts. :rofl:
  • The photo is not incriminating other than that Aylin is in her underwear around a bunch of guys. That basically describes VHTV on any day that ends in Y. She may have posed for the photo (clearly taken by someone else in the room) with the express purpose of sending it to Aderyn. That makes her vindictive and immature, nothing else. In the same light, we also need to remember that Aderyn was naked at the “housewarming party” right after they went live. I believe he was the only one. I get that it was clickbait and that it does not prove anything other than that he was naked.

Прошу всех не делать поспешных выводов по поводу фотографии, которую, как подтвердил Адерин, прислал ему Айлин.

На фотографии, которую опубликовал Адерин (с момента удаления), не было отметки времени. Мы не знаем, когда это было сделано. Я не уверена, друзья ли на фото парни Адерин или Айлин. Если бы они были друзьями Айлин, то фото могло быть сделано в любой момент. Было интересно заметить, что Айлин в квартире была в том же нижнем белье, что и на фото. Но это ничего не доказывает. Пользователи недавно комментировали, что Марика, кажется, носит одно и то же нижнее белье через день. Неизвестно, как часто участники стирают одежду (и вам нужно жить жизнью, если вы составили график, как часто они стирают свою одежду: woman_facepalming:: roll_eyes :). Еще я сплю в старых футболках UCLA, которые купил, когда был студентом. Я получил высшее образование в 2002 году. Фотографии меня в той же футболке не доказывают ничего, кроме того, что я дешев и люблю свои потертые футболки. : rofl: Фотография не инкриминирует, кроме того, что Айлин в нижнем белье в компании парней. Это в основном описывает VHTV в любой день, который заканчивается на Y. Она могла позировать фотографии (явно сделанной кем-то еще в комнате) с явной целью отправить ее Адерину. Это делает ее мстительной и незрелой, ничего более. В этом же свете мы также должны помнить, что Адерин был обнаженным на «вечеринке по поводу новоселья» сразу после того, как они вышли в эфир. Я считаю, что он был единственным. Я понимаю, что это был кликбейт, и это не доказывает ничего, кроме того, что он был голым.

What we have basically all concluded is that Flora has assisted in this rocky rollout. We saw the Facetime communication between A&A and Flora. Aylin and Aderyn have made more attempts to satisfy the VHTV users. Those attempts came after visits to Flora’s apartment and the Facetime chat. Aylin started using the Flora pose toward a camera in the living room. Aderyn and Aylin had sex in the tub and in bed. But we need to take these things at face value. It may or may not indicate anything about their relationship together and may have more to do with Flora helping them to be successful in the project.

Some have argued that it appears Aderyn is more into a relationship than Aylin is. Point taken. Some have not liked that Aylin rolls her eyes. I would be bankrupt if I had to pay a dollar for every time I have rolled my eyes at someone. Rolling one’s eyes is not earth-shattering unless someone makes it so. :roll_eyes:

I am uncertain where the forum arrived at the conclusion that Aylin wants an open relationship. I may have missed where that was confirmed.

I know of several married and committed VHTV couples who have relationships that allow swinging. It takes a certain relationship where that would not lead to jealousy. Other couples are clear that they will only be with their partner. Yan and Flora, for example (though Flora half-heartedly teased with other girls, including Aylin), and Nina and Kira. And then there are people who seemingly have no commitments. Guido, in Yan and Flora’s apartment, is an example. He seemingly has a friends-with-benefits connection with Alice. Then he hooked up with Acy over several days. Now he is with Astrid. All within about two weeks.

I believe Aderyn and Aylin understand what is asked of them by being participants in this project. They are not merely living their lives for themselves. Their actions bring in money for the site as well as for themselves. They probably recognize that they need to make sacrifices. They both seem to be intelligent and they have already adapted within the apartment.

Maybe they will reach an agreement about whether they want to be with others while in the apartment together. Or perhaps they will try to be exclusive. It is pretty clear that they will need to arrive at some agreement because one can’t want an exclusive relationship while the other wants to be with different people.

We can all agree that certain behaviors stink of immaturity. How many of us can say that we never did something stupid within a relationship when we were their age?

I am giving them both credit for working their way through this. I thank them for sharing their lives with us. I am not going to judge them. And I am hoping that they will arrive at an amicable solution

По сути, все мы пришли к выводу, что Флора помогла в этом бурном развертывании. Мы видели общение Facetime между A&A и Флорой. Айлин и Адерин сделали больше попыток удовлетворить пользователей VHTV. Эти попытки были предприняты после посещения квартиры Флоры и чата Facetime. Айлин начала использовать позу Флоры перед камерой в гостиной. Адерин и Айлин занимались сексом в ванне и в постели. Но мы должны принимать эти вещи за чистую монету. Это может или не может указывать на что-то об их отношениях вместе, и может иметь больше общего с Флорой, помогающей им добиться успеха в проекте.

Некоторые утверждали, что Адерин, похоже, больше любит отношения, чем Айлин. Дело принято. Некоторым не понравилось, что Айлин закатывает глаза. Я был бы банкротом, если бы мне приходилось платить доллар за каждый раз, когда я на кого-то закатываю глаза. Закатывать глаза - это не потрясающе, если только кто-то этого не сделает. :закатывать глаза:

Я не уверен, откуда форум пришел к выводу, что Айлин хочет открытых отношений. Возможно, я пропустил то, где это было подтверждено.

Я знаю несколько женатых и преданных пар VHTV, у которых есть отношения, допускающие свинг. Требуются определенные отношения, в которых это не приведет к ревности. Другим парам ясно, что они будут только со своим партнером. Например, Ян и Флора (хотя Флора без энтузиазма дразнила других девушек, включая Айлин), а также Нину и Киру. А есть люди, которые вроде бы не имеют никаких обязательств. Гвидо из квартиры Яна и Флоры является тому примером. Похоже, у него с Алисой дружеские отношения. Затем он встретился с Эйси на несколько дней. Теперь он с Астрид. Все в течение примерно двух недель.

Я считаю, что Адерин и Айлин понимают, о чем их просят, будучи участниками этого проекта. Они не просто живут своей жизнью для себя. Их действия приносят деньги как сайту, так и себе. Вероятно, они понимают, что им нужно приносить жертвы. Они оба кажутся умными и уже адаптировались в квартире.

Возможно, они договорятся о том, хотят ли они быть с другими, находясь вместе в квартире. Или, возможно, они попытаются быть эксклюзивными. Совершенно очевидно, что им нужно будет прийти к какому-то соглашению, потому что один не может желать эксклюзивных отношений, в то время как другой хочет быть с разными людьми.

Мы все можем согласиться с тем, что некоторые виды поведения пахнут незрелостью. Кто из нас может сказать, что никогда не делал глупостей в отношениях в их возрасте?

Я отдаю должное им обоим за то, что они справились с этим. Я благодарю их за то, что они поделились с нами своей жизнью. Я не собираюсь их судить. И я надеюсь, что они придут к полюбовному решению.

You rock! :smiley: :+1:

@marcie59 @Lyric171370 It’s two different users, aren’t they?

Thank you for your insight. A very interesting read. I do know that I can get a bit heated at times. I do try not assume but yes fail at times. My main point was these kids should never have moved in together. It was always going to fail.

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I apologize for copying and deleting posts.

Thanks to @marcie59 and @Demonchik for their help.

@marcie59 big thx, but I was talking about those who speak Spanish, Italian or other European languages. That such a long message needs to be translated by a third-party translator and not by a forum translator

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Just do exactly the same I have done and use the language you want. I am not going to do it for every language as I would become the most disliked person on the forum for spamming :rofl: