Aderyn & Aylin

To be honest I dont blame Aylin if i was her i would yell at the Boy every day too… He does the stupidest stuff that could easily annoy anybody thats around him for more than an Hr. He dont have respect for people personal space and doesn’t seem to understand that. The constant disrespect he shows to Astrid everyday by playing around with Guido every chance he gets whenit seems she just be wanting to have some alone time with Guildo. Now part of that i can blame on Guido also because he dont do nothin to stop it. But for the People that be on here defending Aderyn like he does no wrong is ridiculous.

she also said she was hurt the other day he make fun of her and she went to the room but he even didn’t come to say sorry or why you craying

Who is the “prostitute” in question? Where and when has that ever been mentioned (on the forum) before?

Yan is alway sticking up for Aderyn like he does nothing wrong

He better get in line, or he’ll have Flora back here chewing his ass out again!

no idon’t think so

David so the forum said she gave money back to Aderyn once she saw the cameras but not sure as I was not watching?

That was at Y&F I think, See post 5399 in Yan & Flora.

Ah OK, I know how to take THAT then. Thank you for answering anyway. :slight_smile:

if im write Ayeryn is on the phone with Guido till him hes can not go in the room everything a joke for him

Well, she telling that he sleaps alote and that he those nothing is ironic. Did you got the part that she says he having sex with other guys and that he is to?

David sorry yes at Y & F starts at 01.38 - 02.01.2022

i think somthing is going to change real soon

It is not easy keeping track of all these interconnected apartments all the time, I just saw that a couple of hours ago myself.

Flora on the phone fussing about something lol

talking to aderyn

How can it be 2nd January and still be on the timeline? I presume you meant to write it correctly as 1st February (2/1/2022).

yes he do not listen to nobody and Flora made

Bolacha if Aderyn’s want to have sex with other guys we have no issues, the problem is he hides his feelings and makes out he is the innocent party in this. Look at the prostitute comments on this forum, that is not the normal behaviour of someone who has respect for Aylin?

This has happened before, she has mentioned these issues with him before but he just don’t understand for whatever reason