Aderyn & Aylin

the only things aderyn love more then aylin and playing with he’s dick is spaghetti and bread :rofl:

and you would think Aderyn would leave them alone so Astrid and Guido could have fun ,no hes got be be there so everybody see him, thay need the ratings bad

OMG somebody help this kid lol.

he doesn’t want to miss an opportunity to have sex with one of the girl (even though they refuse to touch him :man_facepalming:) or to cock-block someone else. he’ll stay woke all night long just so he wont miss anything and only fall as___p when he’s dead tired…Lol

yep like last night between 3 am till 6 am he cam out of the room every 1/2 an hour to see what was going on because he missed there sex the night before

LOOOOOOOL this is so true iv’e been watching his movements much more now lately and its always the same :rofl:

its crazy because when they finally get an opportunity to have sex they have to move quick before he wakes up like the night before last :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

the dishing are not done Aylin just point there guess who will not do when ,yep Guido its been 3 week i have not seen him do them

This pair never really belonged together, Flora put them here, Aderyn is not really interested in pussy, He wants Guido to himself, So he trys to block Astrid.

nahhh, he wants pussy

I agree but stand by for all the people defending him saying she shouts at him, but not saying she is perfect. I have not watched this apartment since the 26th Jan but do not think anything has changed. but probably over 400 comments. surprising that some people defend him blaming her but he was quite happy (according to this forum) to have sex with a prostitute how disgusting and then blame her. for the issues. All I hear is he is a handsome boy but no females chasing him or having sex with him, the last time he had sex according to the achieves the 2nd Jan. Lets start a chain considering he seems to look at the forum who is to blame? For me Aderyn who has no respect for women. I suspect a 50/50 blame

Why does he seem to try grabbing Guidos cock so often?

Why they fighting now?

He prefers the opposite sex but difficult where he lives

Sorry should read he prefers the same sex as him but difficult where he lives

I think Aylin should just bring in her own boys to deal with her needs!

How long can she keep bitching? guess that was it!

she just left crying he will come out now to not leave them alone when she came out early Aylin told him to leave them alone he do not listen to anybody

not watching but assume every 10/15 minutes lol

he just seems goofy and immature. the entire time Aylin was talking to him he just had this really dumb look on his face. he seems to me like a c___d who doesn’t have a clue

it’s started with her telling him to get of the room and start “working” she said you don’t do enough to make as money and that he don’t do s__t but s___ping and than she started reveal all the probelms she have with him. things like he don’t care for her like he car for his friends (things like asking her how she doing, ofer to make her food ) especially now that she sick. she talk about him let other people smook in the bathroom. and more stuff.