Aderyn & Aylin

come on you people get of your phone play cards like strip poker lol

Yes. Everyone should play strip poker and ignore the fact that they’re already naked.

They could do it in reverse! :laughing:


Mate you are reallyyyy crazy. Dont confund my personal life with this our i will keep assuming that you are really crazy and need some freaking treatment instead assumind others do! So seat back rellax and dont say stuped things. Ok!

Post (manually) deleted by author, at the request of participant.

Crazy Yes I have seen some of your comments on other forums I am am sure I am fine thanks and maybe you you look at yourself before making a judgement on other people comments ?

Omg. Shut up! And move on…

Same to you thank you with flowers

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So Aderyn is sweeping and washing the floor doing dishing and go the the store every day and Guido I do not see your name on the apartment you do not do clean up ,you sleep, shit, computer you are a guest the apartment rating are down you treat Astrid like shit you only go near her when you want sex,you can be kick out of there any time then where do you go and Astrid you can get way better you look like your a lot of fun and by the way the girls left you do not know because you were on the computer

where they go?

Astrid has just arrived at Yan & Flora

I might guess, they going to Flora. Its the last days off the mounth almost pay day

omg who is she…

I don’t think she has been named so far as normally you can find out names in the wiki

Who did you saw?

If you click on my name in the top right corner on their reply, you will see what post they are replying to

Thanks. Didnt no that!

Aderyn go to Aylin. Check why she is crying?