A notice to admin and mods

Then maybe you will be leaving soon. Remember to close the door on your way out.

I disagree. We have 24 moderators keeping order on our forum and we have had the opportunity to see how the forum moderates itself.

The problem is that people donā€™t know how to step back or ignore the obvious trolls and disrupters. The simplest solution is ignorance, which no one uses, but rather gets into countless arguments. You come to a topic that has 100 new posts and 90 of them are mutual accusations and moderation. You ask yourself where people get the will to do this kind of nonsense, close the forum and leave, because the normal debate is simply not possible. It starts with one topic, followed by three others, and within a couple of months, you just have clans using this space for their own frustrations.

Remember that you have persons who enjoy attacking others. They are not interested in debate, they are here purely to inflate their egos. We too have had users coming back with new accounts (Amy style), they are quickly found and quickly removed. Guess who got fed up first.

Here the policy of the owners is likely to be different, because by banning they are deterring potential customers of the service, hence the policy of no punishment (only occasional warnings).

The recipe that emerges from such a lack of moderation is simple. The troll gets on most peopleā€™s nerves at the beginning. Their persistence causes others, more moderate, to join him/her. The situation soon escalates into constant bickering all over the forum and the accumulation of posts that have nothing to do with the topics, all of which become nothing more than personal insults. The trolls always win in this segment because thatā€™s what they feed off.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Everything you wrote there is correct. But moderators donā€™t make a forum thatā€™s out of control any better. On the contrary. I speak from my own experience. Iā€™ve also been a moderator on various forums. And the fight moderator against troll leads to nothing. The actual topics in the forum go under. Whatā€™s going on here in the forum at the moment with the troublemakers, I find relatively harmless. But with moderators Iā€™m afraid it would only get worse. Because a moderator warns or blocks troublemakers according to his own opinion, which does not necessarily have to be objective. And THAT is exactly what causes new trolls or normal users to criticize the moderator. This forum is fine the way it is and should be left as it is.

All this is true if moderators are chosen randomly and never replaced.

Our forum is not specific and covers practically all segments of human life. Thatā€™s why we are divided by topics, we have moderators who are in charge of technical topics, game topics, some are specifically assigned to sports, photography, you name it.

All these topics are strictly moderated, there is order and discipline, and great debates take place in them.

We have another segment, called like here s__t hole, where only the worst offenses are moderated, race, p________a, and so on. Entry to this part of the forum is conditional on either a one-off donation or 200 constructive posts elsewhere in the forum. These 200 posts already form the userā€™s personality, and the first engagement in this moderated part of the forum weeds out potential ā€œrenegadesā€ and trolls.

After the forum almost collapsed, we managed to clean it up in a few months. Iā€™m not going to lie, it was exhausting, with complaints (from the trolls themselves, of course) being thrown at the owners, the moderators being bombarded with threats in PMs, a flood of fake accounts, and a deluge of posts in the threads. There were mornings when you were greeted by the deletion of over 200 posts.

Not to be too long-winded, the owners of VHTV have obviously made up their minds, after all the forum is free, and we participants need to be aware of the problems and pitfalls of online/forum engagement.

For all of you who are experiencing attacks, ignorance is your friend - or some other forum.

Please read my post again @Morchi and understand it. I did not say ban the a___ers I said ā€œstop the a___ers from posting any further comments for a specified period of time.ā€ So in other words you silence them for 24 or 48 hours or for whatever time VHTV thinks is appropriate. After the time has elapsed they would be free to post comments again, I repeat it is not banning them completely.

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I have been a member of VHTV for approximately 9 months and that short space of time I have seen the behaviour on this forum get worse.To do nothing is to bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away. To me it should be VHTV who should actively get involved and moderate this forum and should not be left to members who volunteer. However even volunteers would be better than nothing at all.

Fully agree, plus, moderators can be also not so objective; and letā€™s be honest; if the attempts of moderating of this forum were to rely on constant trying to influence on particular flats, or at the same time telling participants what they can and canā€™t do and telling them that they are only, puppets, prostitutes or porn workers, indicating at the same time that there is no place at vhtv for this kind of flats, then better for everyone that there is no any moderators here, because so far, many attempts to moderate come down only to the fact that one would like to say between the lines, what flat should or which should not be followed and watched; I know some people here would love to possess this power, but unfortunately theyā€™re so biased, that itā€™ll be better if they stay away; only vhtv could pay more attention to those who goes to topic only to convince others that what they watch is a crap and none voyeurism, because at this stage that has nothing to do with any kind of debate, and thatā€™s mainly the reason people constantly argue;

In this case, the moderation of the forum should be completely abandoned. No s__t holes, no moving posts, no warning users. Because now itā€™s all being done half-assed. And no wonder the ā€œmoderatorsā€ are considered biased.

I support.

@Tanya Thanks for the :-1: You are certainly true to form. Quite predictable. I am wondering if you and @Amy are not the same person. You both sure show similar behaviour.

@Amyā€™s grammar is far superior to Tanyaā€™s. Amy would also never pay for a membership to VHTV. :wink:

My translation program? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just canā€™t understand why there are trolls here who explicitly insult and a___e participants. Participants are primarily with VHTV because they make money from it. Our money! If I donā€™t like a participant, I donā€™t look at him and donā€™t support him with my money. But it doesnā€™t do anyone any good if I insult them.

Of course, if a participant uses violence against other participants, I canā€™t leave it uncommented. But instead of insulting him, I express my contempt for what heā€™s doing and count on VHTV to kick him out, which has happened before.

Nevertheless, moderation is not the appropriate means to prevent something like this, as long as everyone has free access to this forum. And if there were no more free access to the forum, moderation would probably be even more superfluous.

As I posted above that is the only thing I would asked to be changed, I donā€™t want full moderation on this forum as I agree in principle how it is currently running apart from the targeted attacks that have being happening on people over a sustained period

I totally agree with you!! :+1:


The only thing i also said is that the rules of the forum should be made more strict in regards to members attacking/insulting participants/guests. My idea was the use of moderators similar to other sites (CB was my example) where moderators can delete comments and silence for a certain period of time the a___ers.

But that would mean that the moderator would have to read through practically every thread and then punish v_______ns accordingly. Who should do this? Even moderators need a nap and when they come back to the forum, they might have hundreds of posts to read.

I think the flags are good again. If posts are flagged by users, he can read the relevant passages and decide whether the flag was justified and then act accordingly. And this system is already practiced (apart from bans).

I fully agree that will be a titanic work to be done moderating so many topics.

I have no clue how the flagging system works, from what i could see it doesnā€™t work at all, i have flagged so many abusive comments and never something happened, instead i got my comment including just a GIF (that girl spilling the tea/coffee laughing), hidden in a matter of seconds, ironically that GIF i have used hundreds of times before without anything to happen. I believe that flags are not even checked and it is an automated system that only hides posts based on the number of people flagging it. And that is so wrong again.

Yes, I have that feeling too. Maybe @Jabbath1987 or @VHTV_James can say something about how the flags work.

And the whole quarrel comes from this; because there is nothing wrong with the fact that someone occasionally expresses dissatisfaction with the direction in which vhtv is going, sometimes I do; but there is a difference between expressing disapproval once and constant insulting everything and everyone, especially when posting about some disliked kind of flats, what we witnessed many times, cause it happens frequently here; in other words, let everyone sticks only to the topics they like, and then will be a peace;