A notice to admin and mods

kind of sad how members use this forum as a platform to belittle of to attack another member . the concept of any forum is to openly discuss on the said project or post that it was setup to involve , and to agree to disagree with another members comments without vebal a___e/bullying…also i find it impossible to understand how moderators/moments operators dont follow there duties for which they was chosen to be said title . kinda thinking that if they was to carry out said duties .forum membership would increase , any new member that signs upto this forum and the first thing they see is members verbally abusing other members is a sure way to loose members not increase membership. so i dont blame any member in particular . i blame the mods as the old saying goes “WHEN THE CATS ARE AWAY – THE MICE WILL PLAY”

People have a right to defend themselves from a___e of any kind

exactly but are mods not there to stop or nip it in the bud

Also couldn’t it be said about the a___e participants get from viewers


When i said this i was facepalmed exactly by a MO (Leader)

I do agree with you things need to be tightened up mainly in my opinion to viewers attacking participants

keep making repeat topics untill admin see it .remember MOs are not on 24/7 eventually admin will see it

Moments Operators is a community-based group of users who are creating Videos in Archive Moments section of Voyeur-House.TV

The members of Moments Operators group are not employed by VHTV Team and do not express official position of the project itself.

I do not think that there are actually any mods in here, Jabs and Bluewinner are MO with some admin powers, my idea was to have something similar to CB as mods with “delete comment and silence” powers

I don’t see what my role as a moments operator has to do with forum membership numbers. Maybe you could explain your thinking in this area?

i know its a seperate place . but you and admin run the forum which is exactly where said issues arrive

You should’ve tagged your ringleader Torey to start all this s__t again :wink: :joy:

Wrong, i don’t run anything at all and refused anything related with that.

Exactly, that’s why i have said that there are no mods in here

Nick Offerman Popcorn GIF by NBC

Time to watch the carnage :rofl:

Hey, this has nothing to do with Torey, he is changed now…

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There are leaders. That’s their roll. If they have all the powers needs no idea. It’s not up to me that issues. Already is bad enough to have a system based on flags and i have been saying it for months

The TL4 have this rights


This badge is granted when you reach trust level 4. You’re a leader in this community as selected by staff, and you set a positive example for the rest of the community in your actions and words here. You have the ability to edit all posts, take common topic moderator actions such as pin, close, unlist, archive, split, and merge.

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when a new member signs upto a forum and they see a___e being targeted at another member go unchecked is it not plauseable that said new member will not participate in the forum on the fear of becoming a target. mods need to be firmer in there actions