A notice to admin and mods

Hehe! Yeah, but my suggestion was really for these weaklings who want a pristine world to live in. Trust me, I ignore a lot of s__t I don’t like. :joy:

Sure, but then you only get to see one viewpoint. Everything becomes subject to a singular mindset and soon the people who have a different viewpoint learn that they are not welcome and the forum become a club for the friends of the leader and nothing more. Eventually it becomes very boring and even they start to leave. No, you need an edge and controversy to keep it fresh. VHTV must have finally realized this and that’s why they stopped Jabbath from moving everything he didn’t like to the s__thole.

This forum has been running for about 15 months now. I’ve read it every day since then and haven’t had the feeling that a moderator is needed here. But on the contrary. I’ve been on the Internet for over 20 years and have participated in numerous forums, had fun and entertained myself. And I’ve had the experience that moderated forums get boring because some of the users are afraid of writing something wrong and might even be blocked. And “difficult” users in particular tend to start arguments WITH the moderator, which ultimately leads to a lot of unrest among all users. The forum is then split into two camps. One camp is on the side of the moderator and the other on the side of the troublemakers. That’s why I’m happy here in the forum that there isn’t something like that. You can hide people you don’t like or who bother me, you can flag posts if they v_____e forum morals and we have (not to mention) Jabs which does a very good job in my opinion . All of that should actually be enough.


yes agree to disagree .but is a___e to be tolerated between members

@Lazurus_aka_Virgil maybe you have some exact examples we could all discuss here?

How about going through almost all of Sparkles posts were he calls the tenants slaves to a master, who is f_____g them to perform on your site as if it were some kind of human trafficking operation or a___e. He does that regularly. And he does it while wearing a VHTV badge. I know if I were a tenant or manager I wouldn’t be too happy with a VHTV staff member putting me down like that constantly in the forum. I would imagine if I posted s__t like that in my work forum I’d get fire pretty quickly. You must need him more then you respect the people in front of the cams.

i dont and wont name any particular member/members you only have to view certain topics . i have no right to name members but only have the right to notify of something that shouldnt appear in any forum a___e and the fact that moment operators are not picking up the said a___e says to me this is a free from retaliation and can say what i want .which of course i cant as eventually to many flagged post will get my membership terminated ,but hey if thats what you want to do then so be it . there is another forum on the said subject .its just this plkatform as all the makings of a great forum and could easily see more members which would mean more imput which would lead to a better experience for aall

Correct, personally, i don’t even understand how is this Flagging working, i see all the time comments being hidden without having a single bad word and from my personal experience not a single post that i have flagged (all containing insults addressed to participants, guests or forum members) been hidden. Then the GIFs , i see GIFs being flagged and Hidden, how is that even logical when GIFs are added by VHTV as part of the forum?

If you don’t see examples of a___e on here then I can only assume you are not spending any time on this forum at all

I agree in principle with how the forum is governed and I don’t necessarily want to sanitise the forum but I personally feel we do need someone/people (what happened to the leaders?) to step in sometimes when people take it to far with the targeted attacks

We currently have Tanya who’s been recently targeting Ariela which led to at least 2 topics being opened with their comments being moved, we have Kyla-la targeting specific forum members as you can see in this topic which has been going on forum wide for a while, you was told about Easter this morning, we also have Lennie constantly harassing the participants at Aderyn & Alicia

Angry Gaspar Noe GIF by Arrow Video

Am I the only one that likes it when the real Amy comes to visit us?? :thinking: :hugs: :popcorn:

Interest Reaction GIF


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@VHTV_James if you believe this forum can run smoothly without the need of any form of moderation then I’m sorry you are totally way off the mark. Lennie185278, Emmanuel210891 and Easter208958 are three individuals who are constantly abusive to participants, guests and to members who contribute to this forum, yet nothing is done in controlling these individuals. You don’t seem to realise that members like these I have mentioned, spoil the enjoyment of this forum for everyone else.

I think moderators should be appointed with the power to delete offensive posts and be able to stop a___ers from posting any further comments for a specified period of time. I’m not sure why you are reluctant to appoint moderators because the bad behaviour on this forum will only get worse.

Then do something with the frivolous flagging, etc. @VHTV_James obviously isn’t doing it. If you want us to believe what you say, then run these forums properly, which takes paying attention BTW…

There are some more, but this member especially is totally out of control. Almost every single post he’s doing is abusive and offensive, you can check that as well. (Just to mention there is no such pic he’s talking about)

Blushing Go On GIF by Lili Reinhart

Anyone else notice that all of the moment operator class of members post very little. Where did they go into a club or something? Hey @Squish are you guys still all cooped up in a secret club again?

They are all too busy saving moments, silly. :smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

You can go to the Leaderboard if you really want to monitor how much they post each day, week, month, etc.


This is wrong on so many levels…

This is my moderator badge on one of the biggest forums in my country:


The forum owners had the same idea of “democracy”, at some point we moderators were left without rights and I don’t mean to explain what chaos ensued.

Above all, the move resulted in the passivity of the moderators after their rights were restored. Mostly on the basis of the reputation created by the bullies at the time. Most of the damage was created by the defection of constructive active members.

I know of virtually no forum at the moment that has anonymous users and operates without concrete moderation. And it remains normal for all to participate.

Otherwise, recent developments indicate the fallacy of this policy, with the forum becoming a platform for mutual reckoning, rather than a platform for polemics and debate.

They don’t really give a fuck about the forums and they shouldn’t. It’s a speck and the only reason it was created to begin with was to appease Jabbath cause he got pissed off when StnCld stopped being his bitch on CamCaps. They don’t need it. Here’s the thing. No matter what anyone says, it get buried in the feed in a matter of hours or a day or so and after that it’s a figment of the imagination and doesn’t mean s__t. This place is running open chat more than it is a forum. No one is really carrying on a conversation about the tenants, it’s just a free for all post fest into nothingness for the most part. You guys care way too much about something that means nothing and doesn’t really matter at all. Any of you could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice or care.

You won’t achieve anything with that!
If you ban forum users, they simply create a new profile and continue even more aggressively.
I think if someone here doesn’t like what they write, I just hide them and don’t see what they write anymore. And if everyone else did the same, this troublemaker would be very lonely on the road pretty quickly.