You must have seen

I realised my mistake and acknowledged it above. :slight_smile:

It’s certainly a VERY clever bit of artwork, that’s for sure.

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Wow!! I thought it was just one song. That’s awesome!! Thanks for posting them.


I wasn’t trying to rub it in. :smiley: I read what you said. I just thought, as an artist, you might be interested in some of that artwork. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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No problem at all and I didn’t mean to sound negative in any way so I apologise if I did. In all honesty my intention was just to acknowledge what you were saying. :hugs:

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And, no apology necessary.

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You won’t believe this one. This is M____r Nature at her weirdest.

The strangest thing that I (not me) found out about a particular species of octopuses is that the ARGONAUT has one peculiar thing that usually sticks with all of us who have spent some time learning about such mollusks.

In the Argonauts the females are substantially larger than the average males so the males have evolved a “trick” that almost insures the insemination process in order to continue the species.

Here is the female Argonaut ensconced in her “shell”. Males are considerable smaller and do not produce a protective shell.

Because of that size differential often the female will consume the male prior to the consummation of “the act”. Not good for species continuation

SO… M____r Nature evolved a special trick for the males. Rather than chasing the females the males simply, when near a female, “detach their penises” and “send” them off to do the deed. The females will gather the ball of sperm in a t______e called a hectocotylus and simply place it is her special cavity for “later use”. That is in case when more than one male “sends her his penis”.

For all of you that are wondering, if you stayed around to read to this point, what happens to the male and how does he “replace” that missing piece of himself?

Sorry, just not happening and as most thinking males would admit, once the penis is gone life just does not have much meaning. So the Argonaut males soon die, but with the knowledge that they do so with a smile on their faces.

When scientists first examined females with multiple penises in them the scientists actually thought the penises were “parasitic worms”. No comment from the females is needed at this point.

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How extraordinary!!!

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Frog Swallows a Snake.



Is this sweet guy actually in Guinness Book of World Records? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lurch was an African Watusi steer that became an international celebrity. He is the Guinness Record holder for the largest circumference of horns of any a____l in the world.

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I wonder how much the horns alone weigh.

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My careful suggestion would be not necessarily very little. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :wink:

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Yes, not sure I’d like to be charged by them, if he as their owner, got angry!!!

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I would surely run as quickly as I possibly could to avoid getting directly stabbed in my… backside… :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:

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Well I am a constant wheelchair user (yes seriously) so apart from not really knowing why I would be in that field with the bull in the first place, I think in that situation I might … how shall I put it? … have a bit of a problem!!! :laughing:


I could quite easily have been a constant wheel chair user, I have CP (cerebral palsy) but luckily with the possibility of moving quite nicely, though within a certain reason of course. But luckily I have never been directly in that situation where an a____l could stabb me. :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :wink:


Epic footage from Peru, where multi-ton boulders during a landslide crushed a truck and punched a hole in the asphalt on a serpentine road in San Mateo de Huanchor. By some miracle no one was hurt.


Oh, s__t… To put it mildly. :heart_on_fire:

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That’s what you call having a bad day