You must have seen

It`s sort of like a miracle that nobody got seriously hurt… Extremely luckily… :heart_on_fire: :kissing_heart:


I thought along that same line. I wondered how strong his neck must have been. That’s a hell of a lot of keratin, along with some bone in the core around which the keratin grows.

It’s also fused to his skull, so it’s never shed like, for example, deer antlers.

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Not funny at all, but i think people should see and read this

the last letter from Navalny, one month before he died(got k__led) in prison

Alexei Nvvalny’s letter, written by him a month before his m____r, was read in London from the stage by the famous English actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

"Exactly three years ago I returned to Russia, having been treated after being poisoned. At the airport I was arrested. And here I have been sitting for three years.

And for three years I answer the same question.

The convicts ask it simply and directly.

Prison officials ask it carefully, with the recorders switched off.

“Why did you come back?”

Answering this question, I already even feel a slight annoyance of two kinds. The first is at myself for not being able to find such words to make it clear to everyone and stop asking. The second is at the Russian politics of recent decades, which has so instilled cynicism and conspiracy theories in society that people do not believe simple motives. They say that if he came back, it means he made a deal with someone. It just didn’t work. Or it hasn’t worked yet. There is some cunning plan involving the Kremlin towers. Either way, there’s a secret agenda. After all, everything in politics is not as it seems.

But there are no mysteries and schemes. It’s really that simple.

I have my country and my beliefs. And I don’t want to give up either my country or my beliefs. And I can’t betray either. If your beliefs are worth something, you have to be willing to stand up for them. And if necessary, make some sacrifices.

And if you’re not, you don’t have any beliefs. You just think you do. But these are not beliefs and principles, but just thoughts in your head.

It does not follow, of course, that everyone who is not in prison now has no convictions. Everyone pays his own price. Many have a high price even without prison.

I took part in the elections and claimed leadership positions. I’m not being asked to do that. I travelled all over the country and everywhere I announced from the stage: “I promise that I will not let you down, and I will not cheat you, and I will not abandon you”. When I came back, I fulfilled my promise to my voters. After all, there must eventually appear in Russia those who do not lie to them.

As it happens, in Russia now, I have to pay for my right to have and not hide my beliefs by sitting in solitary confinement. And of course I don’t like being in solitary confinement. But I will not give up my ideas or my homeland.

My beliefs are not exotic, or sectarian, or radical. On the contrary, everything I believe in is based on science and historical experience.

People in power need to change. The best way to elect people in power is fair and free elections. Everyone needs an honest court. Corruption destroys the state. There should be no censorship.

These principles are the future.

And sectarians and marginalised people are in power now. In general, they have no ideas. The only goal is to hold on to their seats. And hypocrisy perfected to perfection will allow them to wrap themselves in any cover. Thus, polygamists have become conservatives. Members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union became orthodox. Owners of “golden passports” and offshore accounts - aggressive patriots.
Lies, lies and nothing but lies.

It will collapse and crumble. Putin’s state is unsustainable.

One day we will look at its place and it will be gone.

Victory is inevitable.

But for now we must not give up and hold on to our convictions."

Письмо Алексея Нввального, написанное им за месяц до его убийства, прочитал в Лондоне со сцены знаменитый английский актер Бенедикт Камбербэтч.

«Ровно три года назад я вернулся в Россию, пройдя лечение после отравления. В аэропорту меня арестовали. И вот три года я сижу.

И три года отвечаю на один и тот же вопрос.

Зэки задают его просто и прямо.

Сотрудники тюремных администрация осторожно, при выключенных регистраторах.

«Ты зачем вернулся?»

Отвечая на этот вопрос, я уже даже испытываю легкую досаду двух видов. Первую — на себя, что не мог найти таких слов, чтобы всем стало понятно и перестали спрашивать. Вторую — на российскую политику последних десятилетий, которая настолько привила обществу цинизм и конспирологию, что люди в принципе не верят простым мотивам. Мол, раз вернулся, значит, с кем-то договорился. Просто не сработало. Или пока не сработало. Есть какой-то хитрый план, в котором задействованы башни Кремля. В любом случае, есть какая-то ТАЙНАЯ подоплёка. Ведь всё в политике устроено не так, как кажется.

Но нет никаких тайн и схем. Все на самом деле так просто.

У меня есть моя страна и мои убеждения. И я не хочу отказываться ни от страны, ни от убеждений. И я не могу предать ни первого, ни второго. Если твои убеждения чего-то стоят, ты должен быть готов постоять за них. И если надо, пойти на какие-то жертвы.

А если не готов, то и убеждений у тебя никаких нет. Тебе просто кажется, что они есть. Но это не убеждения и принципы, а так — мысли в голове.

Из этого, конечно, не следует, что все, кто сейчас не сидит по тюрьмам, не имеет убеждений. Каждый платит свою цену. У многих она и без тюрьмы ой какая высокая.

Я участвовал в выборах и претендовал на лидерские позиции. С меня и спрос другой. Я объехал всю страну и везде объявлял со сцены: «Обещаю, что я вас не подведу, и я вас не обману, и я вас не брошу». Вернувшись, я и выполнил обещание своим избирателям. Должны же, в конце концов, появиться в России те, кто им не врет.

Сложилось так, что в России сейчас за своё право иметь и не скрывать свои убеждения я должен заплатить тем, что буду сидеть в одиночной камере. И мне, конечно, не нравится сидеть. Но ни от своих идей, ни от своей родины я не откажусь.

Мои убеждения не экзотические, и не сектантские, и не радикальные. Наоборот, всё, во что я верю, основано на науке и историческом опыте.

Люди у власти должны меняться. Лучший способ избрать власть — честные и свободные выборы. Всем нужен честный суд. Коррупция разрушает государство. Цензуры быть не должно.

За этими принципами будущее.

А сектанты и маргиналы сейчас у власти. У них, в общем, и идей нет никаких. Только цель – удержаться в своих креслах. А доведенное до совершенства лицемерие позволит обернуться в любую обложку. Так, многоженцы у нас стали консерваторами. Члены КПСС – православными. Владельцы «золотых паспортов» и офшорных счетов – агрессивными патриотами.
Ложь, ложь и ничего, кроме лжи.

Она рухнет и рассыпется. Путинское государство нежизнеспособно.

Однажды мы посмотрим на его место, и его не будет.

Победа неизбежна.

Но пока надо не сдаваться и держаться своих убеждений»


Completely irresponsible waxwing birds :bird: tend to eat fermented fruit and then lie _____ on the sidewalks.

Wise passers-by collect them and put them in a safe place until they sober up.

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Just a beautiful sunset or sunrise. Or, maybe just a beautiful tree. Or, both.


Very cleverly done indeed. I wonder how long each scenario took to set up and animate. Thank you for posting this.

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:clap: :clap:




This was genuinely one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, from an artistic point of view. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Women are often accused of being too slow when changing clothes…

Here is an example that can be done differently:


Si hablamos de talentos…el grupo Malevo se lleva varios aplausos.
Ps : lo que manipulan con la boca se llama “boleadora”.


some minutes ago SpaceX has once again made history …

apart from the fact that the re-entry failed at the end (which was expected during the test flight). a 4K livestream via starlink at a speed of 26000 km/h during the re-entry. that’s epic.
and no camera fell off due to lack of hot glue or tape :grin:


What an amazing quick change/magic act!! Outstanding!!


I wonder how much typewriter ink was used for that. Very well done by whoever did it.


Thank you for that information. I found it very interesting indeed.


My suggestion would be definitely a lot of ink. :slight_smile:

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a huge hailstorm in Mexico, Sabinas, Coahuila the day before yesterday

the hailstones were larger than the palm of the hand


a story about how the Christian church views homosexuality…

During one of her programmes, a famous US radio presenter pointed out that homosexuality is a perversion. “This is what the Bible says in the book of Leviticus, chapter 18, verse 22: ‘Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman: it is an abomination’”.

A few days later, a listener sent her an open letter:

"Thank you for putting so much effort into teaching people about God’s Law. I learn a lot from your programme and I try to share it with everyone. But I could use some advice on other biblical laws.
For example, I want to sell my d______r as a servant, as it says in the book of Exodus, chapter 21, verse 7. What do you think would be the best price?
Also Leviticus, chapter 25, verse 44, teaches that I may own slaves, male or female, provided they are bought from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine says this applies to Mexicans, but not to Canadians. Can you clarify this for me? Why can’t I own Canadian slaves?
I have a neighbour who insists on working on Saturdays. In Exodus, chapter 35, verse 2, it clearly states that he should be sentenced to death. Should I k__l him myself? Can you somehow relieve me of this difficult question?
Another thing: Leviticus, chapter 21, verse 18, says that you should not come to the altar of God if you have problems with your eyesight. I need glasses to read. Does my visual acuity have to be 100 per cent? Would it be possible to lower this requirement?
A friend of mine thinks that even if it is abhorrent to eat seafood (Leviticus 11:10), homosexuality is even more abhorrent. I disagree. Can you reconcile our dispute?
Most of my male friends have their hair cut, including around the temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Leviticus (19:27). How should they die?
I know I should not have contact with a woman when she is menstruating (Leviticus 15:19-24). The problem is: how do I say that? I’ve tried asking, but most women take offence to it…
When I burn a bull on the altar of sacrifice, I know that the smell released in the process is soothing to the Lord (Leviticus 1:9). The problem is my neighbours: they don’t like the smell. Should I punish them by beating them?
One last piece of advice. My uncle does not respect what Leviticus, chapter 19, verse 19, says by planting two different kinds of crops in the same field, and neither does his wife, who wears clothes made of different fabrics, cotton and polyester. Moreover, he spends his days blaspheming. Is it necessary to go through the shameful procedure of gathering all the inhabitants of the village to stone my uncle and aunt, as prescribed in Leviticus, chapter 24, verses 10 to 16?
Can we not just burn them alive during a simple family gathering, as is done with those who s___p with close relatives, as indicated in the holy book, chapter 20, verse 14?
I know you have studied all these cases thoroughly, so I trust you will help me.
Thank you again for reminding us that God’s law is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted student and admiring fan.