Yan & Flora


Yan back in dildo use …

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Cant get it up?

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What’s more exciting? Yan’s kisses or the phone? :rofl:


What do you mean?

Yan is only allowed to fuck her with the plastic friend … the real one is only for flora.

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Ah furry muff, Didnt know that she was so strict on that. Doesnt seem to apply with a lot of these kids here.

The rule is quite simple: Yan and Julia are allowed to do everything to each other with the help of the mouth and fingers, i.e. blowjob, handjob, etc.


Thanks Flora and Juliana for the :fire: action :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::hugs:



this is so sad too how she begs for his cock and he has a girlfriend…and allways he stays so long in the livingroom too try too do a thing at least fuck your wife and go at least one time with her too bed stupid guy…

yes but she dont get it always keeping begging for it…poor girl get a life boys enough not one that has a relationship this girls are not smart in every room the same stuff…and porno porno porno thats all what they say brainwached all i think

can she do not normal and shut up and help her self with the dildo horny horny or search a boyfriend for yoourself …she can not stop it get a life girl…

what are they doing

U can’t talk to the participant like that If you don’t like it don’t watch it then

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all those guys are the same they couldnt tread there on wifes good …what a noise wife she allways screams like a kid what a noise and screaming like a girl of 8 years…

Drama, Flora yelling & crying on the phone.

What’s wrong Flora hope everything is okay

she is really sad…

something not good

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Ничего хорошего не случилось… все очень плохо …