Yan & Flora

новый или твой старый?

The old one, they have said this already, was taken offline just to change names and maybe Realm number

What happen?

makes sense. Y&F will probably continue to run as R4…

Yes, that`s how should be, too much fuss to change Realm number

Will be a boring place if just him & her :upside_down_face: Just like the last A&A. Give it 2 months :stuck_out_tongue:

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Will go from my fav list fast :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I hope Juliana will be a regular in one of those apartments. She’s the reason I joined VH :heartbeat:

I am sure she will be 100%

I just love Juliana’s sweet and calm demeanor. Sometimes personality is so much more sexy :slight_smile:

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Offline on relocation……:thinking:

Уже скучаете ?)

Твоя жена остаётся с нами, можешь не переживать :rofl:

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Ex-wife, he is too proud to admit he still loves her :rofl: :rofl:

Are you guys going to have bigger apartment…? :thinking:

Alicia & Aderyn… new apartment…

For a second i thought is Astrid&Guido :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Looks to me that they have kept the Y&F apartment, changing its realm number and Participants to Alicia and Aderyn, While Yan and Flora set up their new place.

That bedroom closet door is a dead giveaway!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Alicia & Aderyn

Yes, we know this. @anon10756158 have stated this themselves…

Now that Indira & Kostja have left the project it appears the fan club is slowly starting to explore what the rest of the forum is like. :sweat_smile:

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