Yan & Flora

@Aderyn is lowering the standards whats rong with is lol is he this desperated!

You say that as if he have an option to choose what appears in the house to stick his dick :joy: :joy:

Lol of course he as. Only if Flora command in to do so. Because damm he suncking the ship haha

this place has gotten plum weird lately :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Kara Pennywise


Wasn’t that the IT movie?


I say he does not cum.

Welcome to realm4 :joy:

could you, if 2 of them keep you from concentrating with their conversations? :wink:

Yes I could. If I had two topless women giving me a hand job, they could be talking about the price of cucumbers and I would still splurge with no problem.

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I say Kara … Adrienne easily loses :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

True.No more hot girls?Flora is slaking or losing the toach haha

Did you guys saw yesterday they cheating on the card game so that she would loose? Hehe

Would someone in Russia please get this realm a good vibrator and a hitacfhi!


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am i the only one who has the impression that kara acts as a good mood booster on juliana?

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