Yan & Flora

Yea… she is new…

New guy is also here……

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these two would make a great couple

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Aderyn never settle with one girl…:sweat_smile: :rofl:

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he did not find the right one yet :wink:

who says it can only be one? :wink:

He will never….Aylin, Everly then Juliana was best…for him… but see where he is…:sweat_smile: may be he like to get strapon….

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Didn’t you notice whenever Lyra and her boyfriend visit here… they had some issues and arguments but when they were at Kevin & Karina they were having good times without any arguments….:thinking:

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did they bring the kickboxer to his cage?

This looks much better anyway

If Aderyn gets laid tonight by Lyra or the girl in red….I am going to quit my job and become a freeloader (which is a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.) What a life he lives!

living the life to the max :wink:

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The bets are open :slight_smile:

Lyra is throwing herself at Aderyn. If he doesn’t fuck her tonight there is something wrong with the boy!

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not sure yet… Juliana just poppin in. she had fun with him lately :stuck_out_tongue:

What does Lyra or any woman see in him: He does not have a job. What income does he have? He does not have to work in the apartments he freeloads in. He does not have to buy food. He does not have to cook food. He rarely cleans his clothes. He rarely bathes. (I can’t imagine how he must smell at times.) He likes boys (sometimes more than girls) (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) He has no personality. His eyes could be in a horror movie. He is not good at sex. (He didn’t even cum when getting a handjob from Flora! What kind of man could not cum!)

He’s a no good, lazy, freeloader! I could go on. (Of course the same could be said for Malkus and others on VH.)

He has a big dick :wink:

And i don’t think it is working out with Lyra tonight… she has a pad in her undies

and s__tface is back again…

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And even if she didn’t have one on, she’s still with her boyfriend. She’s not going to do anything with Aderyn while in a relationship.

So the requirement to become a freeloader is to have a big dick. Now you tell me! Look who’s here! Luan. Now Aderyn will go after the girl in red. How long before the infamous back rub?

ok, i forgot his name, so i will not name s__tface s__tface again… Luan it is :slight_smile:

This is the only thing this man c___d is capable of :grinning:

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