Yan & Flora

It is offline that’s what I’m getting too

Also lost my favourite list

then you are on the beta version. you have to mark everything again once, then you have it again everywhere

Hope she doesn’t put the b___dy thing in reverse then :rofl:

Might be setting up the new camera view

New cam is upside down @anon10756158

Looks fine now


It is not an additional cam. The number of cams on list is still the same…

They are raising the cam by the tv as well so that’s currently disconnected

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Guess the intention is to:

  1. Remove cam6 (photo shows new cam6 angle) from that place as was a free cam with good angles
  2. Add a new cam showing couch frontal but in a position that won’t be cover be people seated

@anon10756158 do you actually have access to the config of the cameras? and if so, could you see if you can adjust the contrast of the time overlays differently? with my own cameras it was possible to set the color to switch automatically depending on the brightness of the background, even for individual characters in the writing. and i know that one of the cameras in savannah and troy’s former apartment building could do that too.

grafik grafik

at your cam3 and 9 e.g. the time is regularly outshined by the lamp.


Позже увидите. И как раз скажете как вам новые виды камер)

This happened the other day. lost my fav list. but all came back after maintenance, didn’t have to do anything. other than refresh!

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Ян дал много белка, не переживайте🤣

New cameras looks nice, but where is Lyra? :rofl: :rofl:

В России маринуют мясо в майонезе-это норма. Я мариную так

  1. Куриные ножки
  2. Майонез
  3. Приправа для курицы
  4. Немного перца
  5. Картофель нарезаю Все смешиваю и в духовку. Быстрый ужин для семьи)
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Лира в скором времени обещала посетить

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Ну по крайней мере Адерин и Ян не жаловался :rofl::+1:

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Is that because they know better. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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so I recognized the mayo correctly! ok, thanks for the confirmation