Yan & Flora

ooh you’re grumpy tonight. and no, I look like this potato GIF

Nice one then you are my twin brother. :rofl: :rofl: I not Grumpy just bad at making jokes. :cry:

I did, thanks to Stanley. Didn’t expect that. I wonder if Yan has booked the lads in for alternate weekends.

Not so bad. ‘Porn of the dead’ made me laugh quite hard. :wink:

Me too porn these days are so fucking bad.

Yes, he and I have an arrangement. I get Aderyn to myself THIS weekend and he gets Malkus…and then we rotate the order! … Oh hang on, that’s in my dream! :laughing:

I’m disappointed in you. I thought your dream would be to have them both at the same time.

Both would be nice, I must admit but I don’t mind sharing with Yan…for now.

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Malkus is MINE!!! Angry Black And White GIF by MEGAN X KATHRYN Just kidding. He’s too young for me. I like 'em fully cooked.

I’ll pass him on to you when I’ve finished cooking him.

I said cooked, not ruined. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For some strange reason, with all this talk about cooking, sausage and eggs come to mind…I have no idea why. :thinking:

You guys are nuts. I love it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sausage, eggs…AND nuts…Yay! :laughing:



Anyone laying odds at how long the guest is going to stay? The first guest lasted 2 days before he got tired of being teased.

As long as you have free food and lodging, there will continue to be a puppet show.

This dude is not comfortable no matter what you think. Normal guy been put in a porn shoot and he is not too keen.


Yep they left to go finish it off in the bedroom.