Yan & Flora

it is normal for the boy to be bored, that meeting is to fall as___p standing up.

Aderyn looks like a young Captain James Tyberius kirk there.

You leave ‘my’ Aderyn alone! :laughing:

I say ‘mine’ knowing he isn’t of course…it’s just that I named him so am a tad protective of him. :wink:


The guest girl looks like an Alanis to me. Just a little bit of resemblance to Alanis Morissette. But shorter.

how many meals are they having she should be 20 stone

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bathroom cam is insufficient. the lst participiants were only filmed from their backs.

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Alright, wanking in the bathroom isn’t bad for the first visit. He should get some reward from Flora though.

I’m glad Yan understands that sexually-ab__d guests are necessary to keep a place interesting. Hopefully Yan will be more relaxed than he was at Otto and Lola place and will share Flora with others. I’m not sure if it was mostly Yan or Otto who kept things strictly professional (no swapping, mostly ignoring the other couple).

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I have two requests. 1) Can we do something for having a second cam on bathroom? (maybe on wc like in Tristan house) 2) Can we do something to have Aderyn as third tenant? Please :pray:

You could put in a ticket to support for those requests. :slight_smile:

I agree though, both ideas would be wonderful if they were implemented.

Don’t put people living in a couch. Besides being bad for him will be bad for the all place dynamic

It’s only his second day visiting there though, to be fair. Surely even HE should be given a chance to grab people’s attention and spark some interest in him, without the need to hurry. People’s reasons for watching all being entirely subjective of course. :slight_smile:


I was referring to put him as a third tenant in a house with 1 bedroom …

Ah I see. I apologise for misunderstanding you.

No need of apologies :+1: :grinning: I know that not being native, sometimes my messages can not get the exact meaning

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hei Yan and Flora have sex in front of the guest, make him feel so akward :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


the tenants said the the guest guy how we captured him masturbating,and all the coments about him,and the guy got shoked and extremely embaresed :smiley:

leonard nimoy dat ass GIF


Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t get off on it. He knows where the cameras are. He’s constantly clocking them. He also knows there’s a mirror in the bathroom. Who is he trying to kid. It’s not exactly regular to sit around in your Underoos at a friend’s place. especially not while your friend massages his bare-breasted girlfriend. Puh-lease sister! girl please diva snap GIF by Charm Ladonna

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Exactly… And this right now brings to my memory the ridiculous fake shows at grace place with a guest at their side without looking while they was having sex