Yan & Flora


The three toddlers. :rofl: :yum:

their guest dont get nothing.the blond guy who plays video games all the time will be kicked of. (at least if he wont improve)

May I ask where you are getting your info from?

sometimes i listen them


Say again, I don’t understand that. Oh in my calculations I forgot to deduct taxes as I am pretty sure the taxman wants his share.

Ok sorry I see you said, you listen to them.

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Wow :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


A while ago I said Yan and Flora will only do activities with friends and those they are most comfortable with and are not interested in just hiring and looking for men just to do shows with. Can you say how accurate I was with this statement or do you know something different?

well since @AlexLina is reading around here… first question : why dont you allow Yan and Flora create the account in the forum that they want? second question to the viewers : Flora wants to live in apartment with Yan and two more couples, but so far management is against that and Lolla is also agaisnt that, what do the viewers desire? :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

If they were an open couple it would be fine, but since they are not, I see it as stupid and wasting time.

Give an apartment only for Aderyn and Guido. So some users will stop to complain.

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those users will complain no matter what, if you give an apartment with a gay couple, they will still coming to every straight apartment screaming why do the straight are not gay :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: but i’m with the idea, Yeah give to Aderyn and Guido an apartment and lets see how long they gonna last, maybe thoose users will back off a bit :grinning: :grinning:

I never did, but I think I will donate for this realm. They deserve it!

Turn around, Aderyn! :crazy_face:


bring more girls instead of this two …

Why don’t you go watch something else instead of your endless bulls__t whining?

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Most of the time are only those 3/4, there are more apartments to watch full of womens, so there are two things, deep deep you like it but you want to deny it, don’t know why if here is a virtual life and you can be whatever you want. Two you just want to start useless homophobic discussions here. We are in 2021, grow a bit man!!

Finally someone said it. :speak_no_evil:

With blankets on because they are not gay . Lol

If it had been two girls taking a bath they would have received a lot of compliments. But since they are two males they only receive insults and bad words.

Go elsewhere to watch other apartments.

Thank you Aderyn and Guido :heart::heart::heart: