Yan & Evelyn

@Yan @Yan_and_Evelyn I wish u guys nothing but the best good luck :hugs::heart:


I said and I still think that this project was not for Evelyn, her true most hidden project is outside, on the street
a project that would surprise many given their behavior in the apartment
even so, they leave just when I was starting to see some little green sprout on Evelyn! I wish them that their real projects go well and they are not f___ed to return! Good luck to both of you!

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Yan heeft nog 2x sex gehad vannacht met Evelyn zou dit afscheid sex zijn of blijven ze bij elkaar ???


Ikzelf hoop dat ze bij elkaar blijven maar dan achter de schermen

Like I said earlier, they only said they were leaving the project. They didn’t say they were breaking up. And from the sex they just had, it doesn’t look like they’re breaking up.

sooner or later the people here will come to light when the viewing is down pull the old we are breaking up to get the views back up / we leaving the project /Yan having sex with a girl/yan gets _____ so on and so on and so on [quote=“Buster, post:5898, topic:24006, full:true”]
Like I said earlier, they only said they were leaving the project. They didn’t say they were breaking up. And from the sex they just had, it doesn’t look like they’re breaking up.

the same game look at all the replies from last night if you’ll don’t fill played there’s no help for you’ll open up your eyes this s__t is not REAL.

The right decision?? Yan said he will be couch surfing between Aderyn & Alicia’s and Otto & Lola’s after his realm closes

We finally saw some of Evelyn’s headlights in the last sex :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Do you have a timestamp for that? It’s like spotting a unicorn in the wild

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Yes and? I had read it.

The “right decision” meant the closure of the current apartment.

By the way, Yan got it right, unlike you, who always wants to find a hair in the soup and leaves no stone unturned.

Hoe gaat hij dan verder met Evelyn

All these arguments between them are exactly about this matter. Where do we go from here? They both want to continue this relationship but there is a problem with Yan’s plans for the future. He wants to continue the project as a guest in Aderyn’s apartment but she doesn’t want him to do that because she knows what goes on there.
All the conversations in the last few days between them sound like a broken record. Yan has already decided but she is angry and says that it is over between them if he continues with the project.
They fight and then they make up and once again everything repeats itself.
One moment “slaps” and the next “kisses”
It looks like Evelyn is the one who has to make the hard decisions in the end.

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How do you know that ?
do you know the language

If I tell you I will have to k__l you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Apparently the two can’t do without and with each other. A difficult situation, but nobody can help with that. Ultimately, both have their fate in their own hands.

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So you are guessing everything you write about it!

 i know enough to understand simple conversations :smiley:

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In my opinion, trust is the basis of a relationship and if that is what is missing, then it should be ended.It seems as if despite this she wants to continue with him with certain conditions.
She doesn’t trust him and I understand why, but I think if he stays in the project it will be good for her because at least that way she will be able to watch and follow his actions. :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Net bir görĂŒntĂŒ olmadığı için zamana bakmadım ama sex yaparken ĂŒĂ§ numaralı kamerada görebilirsiniz

Like, a sad movie .you know how it’s going to end :sob:
I still think it’s not going to be the last time we see them
Probably just go offline. Or possibly a miracle could happen :heart_eyes:
Best of luck to you both.Enjoyed :heart: