Yan & Evelyn

bigjock was talking about flora and even then theres no hatred or a___e there not to mention after that you said she was a scammer, drama queen and does not belong here. What a pathetic attempt to make yourself look like a good guy and bigjock a bad guy :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Yes you are correct

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The word beginning is quite new to you? Try better please, i know you can

Don’t bother yourself with him James he’s not worth it, probably clutching at straws, I’m just surprised his minion(s) are not here, at least I can see what they write for now :grin:


so your logic is because you said some positve things about her at the start we should just ignore all the hatred that came after :joy: :joy: :joy:

The posts are in the first 10% of posts on this topic and the same time period as the ones you posted of Jock :man_shrugging:

ya’ll funny for being petty :rofl:

Usually, that’s happening when is not much action on site :wink: :blush: :innocent:

You are precisely correct. Won’t mention others. But in time will happen more often
that’s why not a big fan of participants on the forum! But don’t give up. I can’t count how many times
the K&B left and came back. Barbie was three times as shy as Evelyn. Look at her now :heart:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lisbet & Nolan

@Yan_and_Evelyn És @Yan sok boldogsĂĄgot kĂ­vĂĄnok nektek a jövötökhöz , sok sikert az Ă©letben Ă©s kĂ­vĂĄnom talĂĄljĂĄtok meg a szerelmet mindketten, legyen rĂ©szetek sok sok szeretetben, Evelyn soha ne felecsel mosolyogni hisz szĂ©p a mosolyod, legyetek nagyon boldogok az Ă©letben, Evelyn remĂ©lem lĂĄtlak mĂ©g itt akĂĄr mint vendĂ©g,

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Would you please explain to me when and where I bullied Evelyn? I didn’t insult her, nor did I put her down. But on the contrary. At first I defended her. In the end I just got bored watching them and I posted that here too.

By the way, I would appreciate it if you would stop tagging me and blaming me for things I didn’t do. So please refrain from provocations against me. I don’t know what I should have done to you. In contrast to you, my profile has not yet been blocked.

Also, before you blame me about Evelyn, you should probably take a look at your own nose and look at the comments you post to or towards Flora.

In this sense:

Love & Peace & Rock’n Roll

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@Yan_and_Evelyn and @Yan

I think you made the right decision. Good luck on your further path, whether together or individually. :heart:


wait so you see all my comments yet you said you put me on ignore :joy: :joy:

Sorry, but since you come up with new profiles quite often, I’m tired of putting you on the ignore list. Just behave like a civilized person and refrain from provoking me!

Just a few examples:




those comments are respectful no a___e or hatred just making a valid point and 2 of those examples are from my first account you really are clutching at straws :joy:

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It doesn’t matter which profile you use to provoke.

Rather show me the reason on which you base your provocations and insinuations!

Well, are you overwhelmed to explain your behavior to me? Don’t worry, I feel the same way.

All hot air without rhyme or reason what you spread about me.

You are and will always be a troll.

Na 2 x ruzie vanavond toch weer in elkaars armen

And then what?