Yan & Evelyn

Yes that’s the right decision.


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én azért reménykedem abban hogy viszont látom még @Yan_and_Evelyn -t bizom legalább ha másként nem is valahova eltud menni vendégnek :slight_smile:

Ik mis het nu al :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

miss what they haven’t left the apartment is still online :man_shrugging:

she is gone

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Nu ofline maar er staat vakantie dat klopt toch niet

it ends with Yan lying on the couch jerking himself :cry:

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Zoals gewoonlijk

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well, you can hardly imagine a more appropriate ending, right? :grin:

Ik mis Evelyn :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

sokunknak hiányzik Evelyn de reméljük láthatjuk valahol vendégként

she is not coming back plus looks like yan chose the project over her anyway. His loss she can do much better anyway

akkor Yan és Evelyn szakitott vége a kapcsolatnak?

well someone translated she did not want him going to A&A apartment and thats what they have been arguing about and yet he has been there the last 2 days, He chose the project

thank god she is no longer coming back she was not ready to be on vhtv…

dude a minute ago you were begging me to put you on ignore and now you are replying to me… make your mind up

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you’re perfectly right I was wrong to answer I wanted to answer another person…

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yeah ok sure… :joy: :joy:

whatever you want however remember that I have to translate everything from English to Italian…

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Ik denk ook dat we Evelyn niet meer terug zien. Ze wilde ook geen gastvrouw zijn. En Yan verkoos het project dus tussen hen is het over denk ik