Yan & Evelyn

I think it’s just because of Evelyn’s shyness in front of the camera.

Yan was used to Flora being naked most of the day and being able and willing to pose well in front of the cameras. That alone brings higher viewership.

Evelyn, on the other hand, hides as best she can and only wants sex in the dark and under the covers, if at all. Yan therefore constantly tries to persuade her to have sex and Evelyn defends herself as best she can. And that’s where the fights come from.

Yan blames Evelyn for not doing enough and Evelyn blames Yan for pushing her too hard. In between she gives in and there is short sex and if Yan then wants longer, it becomes too much for her and there is another fight.

It may be that there are completely different reasons, but I think I’m pretty close to reality.

Flora in het huis

unexpected twist of the evening


Do my eyes deceive me! Is that Flora?


folks, stay calm … there are certainly other reasons for this than some gasping for breath are assuming/hoping/dreaming about!

We can hope :rofl:

Today Yan’s viewer numbers are through the roof… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He still has time to puke!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you can, but better on other things


So a round of makeup sex is out of the question? :joy:

definitive. bury the dream very quickly

Flora kindly asked me to tell you she is just there for a short time to get some family things settled. You know New Year is coming and there are things to take care of. :wink: There won’t be anything happening with Yan

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all good

Take care then @Flora :kissing_heart:

and try to have a nice evening


fantastic news . proves shes well and truly over the gimp


Sorry, but i can’t help :joy: :joy: :joy:

kinky GIF by DRAM


At the moment not much seems to be clarified… :thinking:

Everyone is more or less silent…

En Flora die dronken is , gaat er niet veel opgelost geraken inderdaad

Flora is only _____ing non a_____lic beer at most

if she wanted to celebrate… she would not be here i assume :wink:

Dat ene meisje die ik niet ken lijk mij wel iets voor Yan