Yan & Evelyn

How else would you call a girl that keeps coming back in the place she doesn’t want to be?

this realm is a catastrophe waiting to happen. would not surprise me to see actuall violence in this place from either of them . pretty sure they must be being monitored very closely by the powers that will be

Money hungry…?

That will not be an issue if she wasn’t a scammer in order to obtain them

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Evelyn and Estelle getting all dressed up to going out, wonder what “strays” they’ll bring back with them?

Now the men’s WG is sitting together again… :sweat_smile:

you know what they say if you polish a turd its still a turd

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Mission impossible - we r unfortunately talking about three brain cells

iszákosokat mint a múltkor hogy jól berúgtak

I’m not saying that she doesn’t do wrong, but that they are both equally crazy but that Yan sometimes goes after her to provoke her to get angry. Then she gets really angry very easily for nothing.

Where’s Guido? Got to get the quartet back together :laughing:

Man, it is really simple, the girl is a scam, actually, both are, it is that simple

Check out cam 12 23:03:00. It’s a wonder anyone is going out Brrr.

You’re talking about someone who can’t take 2 steps without holding onto his dick.

ik denk dat Estelle iedere keer jongens uitnodig en Evelyn gaat daar in mee

it would be poetic justice if they booked a cab Redirecting...

I think that’s Guido… :joy: :joy: :joy:


He’s busy solving world hunger :rofl:

But as I said when none of us understand the language, we can only speculate what they usually argue about all the time.

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simple and most probable answer to your comment is IMMATURITY nothing more nothing less

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