Yan & Evelyn


So let’s call her Limicana

Dit gaat niet goed aflope denk ik

the way shes stomping around we should call her https://media.giphy.com/media/QtXIgzWxPTngqYhNB1/giphy.gif

Well, Miss Petty Air just got a spit on her back from Yan

I believe Yan has a knack for attracting girls who have a mental problem.

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Yan met vrienden en volgens mij hebben de meiden jongens uitgenodigd

nothing to do with mental health that is something we could understand and sympthise with , but alas this little chick is plain crazy

If it happens more then once then maybe Yan is the problem

I simply found her very poncey, priggish, primly, she believes she’s way to good for being on this site. She actually said it herself at the beginning

De meiden gaan weg zo te zien dus Yan pak haar spullen in en zet het op de gang

They’re both at fault!

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Nevertheless, one does not spit on another person!

Without trying to defend Yan, but she’s done it first, Yan only answered same back

She behaves like a spoiled kid tonight. First messing with her own cam and now this. But I agree Yan should be smarter and not do that.

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I think I’d probably be better off deleting my post. I hadn’t seen that

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Absolutely agree! Highest form of disrespect. I worked as an EMT in a past life, that was one of greatest fears, bodily fluids!

What I don’t understand here is that everyone says that Evelyn is wrong. But I think it’s Yan who keeps teasing her. and goes after her all the time. When he has a girl who gets crazy and angry and has a similar date, I don’t think it’s just the girl’s fault.

En morgen liggen ze weer in elkaars armen denk ik