Yan & Evelyn

1 avondje sex en nu al weer ruzie

Hee Yan is ze nu weer voor 2 dagen weg of is het nu echt over en uit

We Are Doomed Reaction GIF


Bye Evelyn…

I do not think she left with only a plastic bag? :wink:

At least she took her hair dryer with her… :joy:

Maybe she just goes to mom’s for a shower…

But I don’t think she’s going to play this game much longer. In that sense, she’s already gone. In any case, it would be best for everyone.

Ik had verwacht dat ze al niet meer terug zou komen.Stond versteld dat ze er weer was en dat ze sex hadden.

at least Guido is back :confused:

Guido been there for 3 days , his coat on probably going back to Aderyn to do some car racing and sit on the couch all day on his phone that will go dead when he get there

You mean at 5 o’clock this morning, was the goodbye sex?

I think the game goes on, because she likes the money too, doesn’t she?

After some s___p for Evelyn and food for Yan there was sex at 5 o’clock.

If there is Guido in a house, no good will come from that house.

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Nou Yan dat is weer alleen in huis van avond

Kan je niet een paar leuke vrouwen uitnodigen dan gebeurt hier tenminste iets

Maybe rename it in Yan & Guido?

seems like a happy couple to me

Maybe they should try it together…? :joy: :joy: :joy:


why not?

they both are not shy

and both are single i assume :rofl:

and I’m sure Guido can inject too… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

or maybe it should be named:

Yan and Guido’s partyhouse

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A woman had both shared before. :smiley: