Yan & Evelyn

Now the cat is examining the v___t… :nauseated_face:

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Vacuuming Clean Up GIF by Laff

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Evelyn actually cleans it up… :open_mouth:

Kotze wegmachen

I think she’s throwing up herself now… :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

I think she’s gonna puke! :rofl:

Should’ve poured disinfectant all over it before cleaning up. Fuck, I am actually retching watching this s__t.

just in case…


That’s true love! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl:

:roll_of_toilet_paper: :laughing:

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I need to switch the channel.

Nene Leakes Smh GIF by I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding

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Yan leaves no stone unturned to get viewers. And he even succeeds… :joy: :joy: :joy:

I don’t really find anything funny about it

y’all can laugh about it…

but I feel sorry for @Yan

the last year has not brought him what he hoped it would…

so I can understand that he _____s too much at times

but it’s not a solution

I hope he finds it … but without a_____l


violin GIF

We wouldn’t be surprised if Evelyn puts Yan in the bag and throws it away. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wait, girls, let me get the bag!

Sorry if I disagree, but there’s no reason to get so _____ just because business isn’t going as hoped…

And if we make fun of it here, it should teach him to do better in the future. Not everyone gets a chance to see what has happened after a crash like this. Yan has this chance through the timeline and the forum.

Here is a picture for him to remember

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Someone puked up medea’s toilet too :rofl: she looks livid.

its not the first time in the past week

so it might become a problem

and there are problemcases enough here on the project when it comes to alkohol

Who was it? nolan??

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What a way to spend the holiday, with a a hangover!