Yan & Evelyn

He is extremly stupid…that is the main prob

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Yan should be made to watch this to see what kind of a person he is.


Apparently Yan can only endure Evelyn when he is completely _____… :open_mouth:

Evelyn should leave him as soon as possible and not come back…


Yan Lit :fire: AS FUCK!

_____en Yan missed the opportunity to kick Evelyn out and start the real playground work.

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So bad - God, why do people do this to themself? The state of him!

Now he’s throwing up all over the living room… :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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geyser GIF

pitch perfect v___t GIF

He hasn’t pissed himself YET!



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That might come…

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Я слышал, что это общероссийский способ решения проблем.

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The odor level in the living room alone made the others flee… :joy: :joy: :joy:

You mean his problems will be gone tomorrow when he wakes up?? :sweat_smile:

At least they don’t have carpeting on the floors. :rofl:

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at least he tried

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Someone needs to clean that s__t up, fuck, it gonna be stanking in there soon.

Yan won the v___t Olympics and broke a record. :trophy:

He should do it himself. I hope not that Evelyn or his buddies will take over this…

The only thing funnier would have been him puking on Evelyn! :rofl:

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