Yan & Evelyn

you are brave… my laptop is pretty much monitored and i don’t know what my IT thinks if i visit the forum at work :roll_eyes: :rofl:

It’s correct. However, this has often happened to me at TWP when I haven’t checked what he has translated for me… Misunderstandings occur with every translation program. Especially if it is translated into English with another program and then translated from there into the native language. :sweat_smile: :joy:

try translating that into German with the globus … and compare that with TWP :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

LOL… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Barbie, du hast ein wunderschönes Auge, liebe deine Spreulippen

It’s Really off topic now but if the interface settings is set your native language then the globe should translate to your native language

You’re right. However, in the example with Barbie, the globe translates from Russian to German and you can read the result.

“Barbie du hast ein Auge schön, liebe deine Spreu Lippen”

TWP, on the other hand, translates it completely correctly.

“Barbie, du hast eine sehr schöne Muschi, ich liebe deine Schamlippen”

Can we just go back to topic now. The translation globe is nothing about Yan & Evelyn


Evelyn frend Flora :wink: Yan & Flora - #11335 by majid48ir ,Yan & Flora - #11386 by JonR

Evelyn werkt hier als gastvrouw maar wel zonder sex en dat doet ze heel goed. Heel veel respect voor haar. Er hoeft niet altijd sex bij te zijn ieder zijn eigen keuze en als jij dat niet leuk vind ga je maar lekker naar een andere woonhuis kijken .Evelyn je bent een kanjer

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But it’s more interesting. :joy: :rofl:



Dan zoek je een pornokanaal op daar staat genoeg

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He Yan waarom maak jij Evelyn iedere keer zo kwaad stop daar een mee man.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

You’re pretty sick in the head… :man_facepalming:

Well now we have an e-mail adress to use when there is spam expected :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe you shouldn’t shove the postings into the dirt hole, but send them to the sender by mail… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Poor Yan, I don’t think he is handling seeing Flora hook up with Connor very well… :disappointed_relieved:

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