


The heart reaction you got from me was a complete accident, but now it’s too late to change it. I would never have intentionally given you that reaction for that post.

That pic makes it look like Henry has some pretty bad plaque build up on his teeth. He may need to see a dentist right away. :toothbrush: :tooth: :cry:

Sie wollen alle einmal Henry kennenlernen ,er ist immerhin der grĂ¶ĂŸte Star von VH TV!

looks like Wendy has now got to syart erning her place now that Shana is not avalable anymore . Its such a shame that she has to take this role due to everyone else giving him the cold sholder latley and if anything has happened its ben un secret room . Correct me if im wrong i dont think Henry has ever fucked her ? or havent seen it . just a shame she has to go down that root

The only coke i have seen is the bottle of CocaCola - the real stuff, on the table.

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Have you seen the look on Wendy’s face as she is sitting on his face or while she is eating his dick. There is absolutely no sign of coercion .

i just find it funny that she has never realy shown him any intrest but now that his money earners have left or dont want him she has started to let him do more to her . i think as nobody else wants to have anything to do with him she has no choice , otherwise she would be off vhtv again . He doesnt want any off thw weomen for anything else than an income for him . if they dont do what he wamts its goodby and next

Do you not think that if the lovely Wendy didn’t want to do what she does then she wouldn’t ?.I believe that she knows exactly what she is doing and any analysis by us the viewers is based purely on guesswork.When she sat on his face you could see that it wasn’t for her sexual satisfaction it was for Henry’s but it makes money doesn’t it.After everyone left she camly set about tidying up and off to bed she went just another day at the office.Wendy is no fool and knows what she is doing and unfortunately keeping the fumbler sweet is just part of the job.

I just quoted the first line to explain about the reaction. It wasn’t about coke, either kind.

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What are you all talking about? What coke?

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I was answering this post.

Who the hell cares anyway it’s all a b___dy circus to satisfy all the pervs on here, probably me included but i only see it for what it is, a circus.

As i said i dont think she is doing it out of choice but she knows she has to to stay. Its just now nobody else wants him and his realms have shrunk she has no option but do what he wants , Does anyone know if he has fucked her before ? as i cant rember ever seing them fucking anytime ?

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I m missing Alenja :heart_eyes:

Yeah all a bit sad really, the obligatory cock suck to keep the old bugger happy and a roof over her head i suppose. But she ain’t going as far as to let him shagg her yet so she does seem to have a limit.
I do feel sorry for most of the girls to be honest as ,most of them are only doing it for the accommodation and the money.
Obviously there are some on the circuit who are full blown professionals whose fanny is just an open door :laughing:

So many posts for a party with a bit pussy eating and strip cards :joy: :joy:. I guess Henry could also just sit there doing nothing and people would still write a lot of the same over and over again :rofl: :rofl:

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Alles nur purer Neid von den alten Spanner!

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Amazes me how often he is in the previews even when they are just sitting around doing nothing which is most of the time now :laughing:
Sadly he is just the running joke now which everyone likes to take a pop at, me included :laughing: