
I know the day wendy first came to s&t.
what a great change.This mikl can her fuck for an hour. she’s found a very tough guy.

She really needs to get a grip as imo things are getting out of hand,anybody with a penis and testicles that appears in this place are gonna get lucky with her.Yeh i know it’s a porn site and this is what some people pay for and want to see but this is not the Wendy who first appeared on here.Her fumbling manager doesn’t give a fuck as the cash generated gets him and Mira business class to Dubai.Plenty other big personalitys on here in the past have left never to return and in my opinion Wendy should be giving that serious thought.If she really wants to stay she should set up with a partner like lots of other realms and if Henry doesn’t like that idea just tell him to fuck off and leave.

Henry and miki were really laying in to her the other night with mira egging them on and also giving hard slaps too, it was not nicee more like a___e for not doing as shes told.

Hier sind wieder ein paar Spinner und kranke Menschen unterwegs ,Henry lacht nur über solche fantasierende Menschen!

Juste espérer que Wendy lira ce que certains d’entre nous écrivent et la fera prendre conscience de ce qui se passe🤞

Je suis réellement très attristé de voir cette jeune fille devenir une proie humaine aux mains de prédateurs sans scrupules , juste par cupidité, :cry:


Such an accurate description for you pal, as you say the penny has dropped at last with all the others as they were only being used by you know who eh. Could say much more but no point really but won’t end well in the end.
Bet mummy wouldn’t really approve :laughing:

Je doute que maman sache vraiment ce que fait sa fille…!!! Elle n’est, à coup sûr, pas abonnée a vhtv…:blush:

I believe,The fact that that woman comes here to wash and s___p, would require that she be informed about the cameras, and sign a legal release form, and do we really know her relationship with Wendy?

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D’accord sur le fait qu’elle sache qu’il y a des cameras …
j’ai une fois entendu lui dire 'Mum" lorsqu’elle lui a demandé d’enfiler un short parce qu’il y a des caméras,
Je ne suis pas sûr qu’elle sache ce qui se passe lorsqu’elle est absente D’ailleurs lors de sa présence Wendy est relativement correctement vêtue, ce qui semble être une exception par rapport au reste du temps

Ce qui me désole le plus c’est de voir des :+1: et des :heart: sur des images de Wendy les fesses écarlates … Mira est juste une caractérielle que j’ai vu vouloir agresser Faye lorsqu’elle était chez elle … heureusement Henry s’est interposé,

Vérifications faites sur la chronologie, Wendy dort depuis 5 h ce matin (heure locale ) Il est 22h (heure locale)… cette fille est complétement épuisée du traitement qu’on lui inflige…

I think that, for Wendy, these two guys could stay with her forever. She definitely seems sexually satisfied.

A moins que c’est 2 gars soient millionnaires, ce qui visiblement n’être pas le cas de kano (vu sa dentition épars😊), Sa gérante ne se contentera du revenu de deux gars,


Does any mum or dad really know what their adult c___dren are up to apart from the fact it has actually got nothing to do with the parents.If they want to live a life with cameras then that’s their business.

I doubt if mum is stupid and probably knows in the back of her mind what’s going on but as you say Wendy is an adult and has to live her own life as she see’s it or what she thinks is best for her.
The same apply’s to all the participants, got nothing to do with us either way come to that as they all have to live with their own decisions whether good or bad whatever we think.

Just from quick memory:

Tenants from a realm mentioned to guests that the cams were for youtube
Tenants from a realm mentioned to guests that the cams were for burglars situation
Tenants from a realm mentioned to guests that the cams weren’t working

Surely dozens of other similar episodes occurred not counting the tons of times that guests messed up the cams (without being d__gged or i________ed they would be aware that was forbidden knowing the purpose)

Do you really believe that everybody is informed about cams purpose?

I thought that all visitors were required to show proof of majority, and sign a legal document!

I know someone said that in the past.