
Between being said and being applied/certified goes a very long road and even last December you had one proof of that directly online from 97

Was that in relation to the C&C r__e?

 mais de lĂ  Ă  voir sa fille obligĂ© de se prostituer; cela fait une diffĂ©rence!!! Car en l’occurrence, c’est bien cela dont il s’agit!!! MĂȘme Lillian passerait pour une vierge si on recensait tout les mecs que wendy a dĂ» se taper depuis son arrivĂ©e dans cet appartement!!!

Bravo, Continuez de fermer les yeux et de vous branler sur ces images
 Exactement comme avec Trisha, Tout le monde pleurait de la voir souffrir l’autre soir mais personne n’a bougĂ© le petit doigts pour faire en sorte que cela s’arrĂȘte :face_v___ting:

No. That one was realm 56.
And in that case was irrelevant if the guest was indeed informed or not about cams purpose since she was completely i________ed/d__gged when r__ed

Samson, Wendy isn’t compelled to do anything,she can stop doing what she’s doing whenever she wants as in "Wendy has left the project"yeh agreed?.As i have said already personally i think she should be getting a grip.Of course i suppose she could actually be a nymphomaniac who knows.

Comme je l’ai dĂ©jĂ  dit aussi 
 on a vu ce qui est arrivĂ© a Faye avant de devenir Trischa
 Wendy a t’elle la possibilitĂ© de dire “non” et de se retrouver Ă  la rue??? Comme dit par avant, j’ai vu dans quelle colĂ©re Mira pouvait entrer quand on s’opposait Ă  elle,

Nymphomane qui s’est dĂ©couverte uniquement dans cet appartement ou une prostituĂ© sous la gouverne de proxĂ©nĂštes sans scrupule,??? Je dis les choses telles que je l’ai pense 
 peu m’importe les pouces bas venant de dĂ©pravĂ©s sexuels,

Zumindest Lilian informiert ihre GĂ€ste, ich finde es immer wieder lustig wie die GĂ€ste teilweise darauf reagieren. Auch wenn der ein oder andere es vorzieht zu gehen :slight_smile:

Guess the bathroom cam was excluded from the explanation, few days ago a guest girl cover it 3-4 times. Happened also with another girl weeks ago

Your missing the point Samson, Wendy will only ever be “under Mira and Henry’s control if she chooses to stay”.As for being out on the streets if she chooses to leave i highly doubt that.

Anyway i think i’ve said enough on this subject so we will just have to agree to disagree but thanks for keeping our disagreement civilised,you have a good day.

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Are you really so naive? Don’t look for deeper content. It’s all about money, and hole and dick are just tools to get it. We watch it because we like it, and the actors are primitive and naive people.

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You might be right. They do snything for money, even videochat, so
it might be some pimping around

Wow oh, oh, Wendy, you sexy girl! I can see 
 the light again. :face_with_spiral_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :blush:


a partially involuntary vertical Wendy after what felt like 30 hours of s___p

(I didn’t watch every minute of course. But from about 5 o’clock yesterday to 12 o’clock today I could only find her more or less as___p on the couch)



a beautiful lady and 2 good for nothing bums

I am almost certain that without the shorts those bums could be useful to some guys out here in the net, although I would not be interested!

Otherwise I just think of them as friends with benefits, or Wendys sex toy collection.

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Do you blame her after that sex marathon?