Watching sleeeping People for alot of money

Its boring more and more…there are 44 Apartments now…all of them are gone…or only s___ping. I dont know why I am pay for this s__t. I will not anymore. In the past…there were parties…sex and more…but now…s___ping guys.

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Don’t let the door hit you on the exit


Wurde schon oft drüber diskutiert, wird sich wohl nichts ändern

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This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure.



Thank you for your feedback. I promise we didn’t put everyone to s___p! Stick around – you never know when things will get exciting again =)


You might not believe it, but there are people here getting excited and even paying for the :poop:

They even created two separate Topics for it :man_shrugging:


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


Bro, don’t leave Ligue 1, it’s very exciting… :joy: :joy:


I enjoy also watching ladies also using the bathroom, pooping.

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Contrary to what many think on here , VHTV is not scripted ,So its pot luck if theres action you crave , but if you log on at prime time this can be worked out when it is by reading through the forum or looking back through the vids if your a premium subscriber,there is a very good chance of seeing some action, INFACT ! , i bet there asnt been a single day in VHTV history where there was no action whatsover , Granted some days are boring ,but that can be a good thing ,it gives you chance to do things in your normal life that you have put aside in favour of perving over young people , im sure there are jobs at home that could be tackled in the lean VHTV times . but it sounds to me you want it on demand , but sadly at VHTV that isnt possible , ask yourself this one question , and answer it honestly . "Have i let VHTV take control of my life?, if you answered YES! then sadly there is no hope and your doomed to endless dissapointments , BUT if you answered NO! Then stop complaining and enjoy the show !!!


Are you ok ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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1 reason I did not renew my sub not alot of action for me and 2 it took up too much of my time so I now just enjoy the forum

exactement sur vhtv depyis presque le debut, je pense ne plus prendre d abonnement, cel