Warning to tenants, violence!

even tho multiple times and even when the event happened i showed my disgust yet because im not a whitenight simp snowflake like marcie i guess im for r__e and sexual violence cause i dont go on and on about something that i wasnt involved in and the people involved have dealt with it how they see.

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So you want to use this example to help justify your appalling decision. These same societies are in countries which form part of the United Nations, and those same countries have joined the call for change, but you would rather be a dinosaur and accept the status quo while the rest of the World moves forward so that more women can realise and deserve a life devoide of violence.

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So you want to use this example to help justify your appalling decision, you really are clutching at straws. These same societies are in countries which form part of the United Nations, and those same countries have joined the call for change, but you would rather be a dinosaur and accept the status quo while the rest of the World moves forward so that more women can realise and deserve a life devoid of violence.


You’re confusing trying to justify, and explaining by example. Learn to read without adding your own speculation to the text.

I hope you realise what you are up against. It is all about money and how it would hurt his site to take this apartment off. They could not give a single care about violence or even r__e. Look at some of the comments defending having r____ts and see you have no chance here. They will use every excuse like different culture, big fines handed out and it his choice to do whatever the fuck he wants on his site. Also this is real life and s__t happens. If you protest too much then the snowflake s__t comes out. The indignation that you open your mouth too much while cheering on apartment involved in a r__e. OH and he can decide what the fuck he likes even declaring a r__e a non r__e event. One day something that he will no be able to cover will happen here and then the authorities will look at all the events. I am out as cannot continue with this stone age mentality regarding violence and r__e. To them as men they will always be right as women will never be equal. But hey culture so its OK.


scusate ma la violenza e stata spiegata tante volte adesso possiamo guardare avanti…

Yeah I know what I am up against, but it doesn’t deter me in the slightest.


you are a huge cry baby arent you its funny lmao


As someone who lives in a post soviet country, I want to say I disagree with you on some level.

I’m not reading this topic to discuss any violence that happened here, though. I wasn’t a witness, so, in my opinion, I don’t have a word about it. I read it to understand the opinions of people here. To understand vhtv politics and audience.

But I came across your words about countries’ different approach to r__e and violence. In my personal opinion, in post soviet countries people mostly understand what is violence, and what is not. They may not know the nuances, like consent culture in swing or bdsm and so on. But r__e or wife beating is considered disgusting​:face_v___ting::face_v___ting::face_v___ting: Believe me, after our upbringing, you need to be somewhat mentally ill to not understand when you hurt a woman. Sorry, English is not my first language)


This is exactly the nuance of a culture of consent that we are talking about here.

Вам еще не надоело мусолить заезженную до дыр тему? Ту тему закрыли, так начали тут снова по сотому кругу одно и тоже. Я просто поражаюсь вашей стойкости и терпению. :handshake:


I have to slightly disagree with you in that Poland, which is fastly becoming a more progressive country adhering to western attitudes towards equal rights between men and women, there are still hereditary negative sexist behaviours that run deep throughout its society.

A couple of years ago I was driving through a village and I saw a young man beating this girl and I stopped my car and got out and stopped and jumped on this guy to stop him, and apparently, she was pregnant, and he was blaming her for this, totally oblivious to his actual role in the matter. And these aren’t isolated issues as there is a massive difference in acceptable roles between men and women as regards the city life and the country dwelling peoples’.

My friend’s sister in Ukraine was tricked into prostitution on the promise of a job in France and ended up working there as a prostitute for four years to pay off all her so-called debts to her pimp and was beaten and treated like a slave if she did not pay. She stayed in Ukraine for one year and then went back to France to work the streets as it was the only work she could find. Terribly sad :disappointed_relieved:

However, this isn’t only limited to central and eastern European countries as Switzerland only allowed women to vote in 1971 and were given equal rights only in 1990.

Even I was raised within a society where women were expected to stay at home and look after the c___dren while the master went to work to provide for his family.

The roles between men and women are changing sadly not for moralistic values but more financial ones where partners equally need to provide to the economic running of the family, but still, these habitual sexist roles remain and will take one or two generations to disappear as they rightly should do.

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Sorry but that’s not fair - I don’t remember myself expressing any opinion on this topic. And I’m not even sure Bluewinner whose post I liked (actually for finding simple words to explain complicated things) ever did

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So why didn’t she find a job in Poland? She don’t have to go back to work in France. Half of western Ukraine works in Poland or in Slovakia, Hungary

Simple words forgetting conveniently the most important details of that situation :wink: Perhaps was all just a big role play like Oliver use to do But i know it’s a lost cause and this did a big damage on the project… Still surely in few weeks nobody will even rembemer and that girl may eve pay a visit with managers to “proof” to cams that is all “perfect”

I guess it was a case of the devil you know. Although as far as I know she was independent and not associated with any pimp at that time. This was a couple of years ago and I don’t know any other information.

I am sure you & other keyboard warriors will do your best to bring it up at every opportunity that you get, so don’t worry, it won’t be forgotten. I just have a hard time to imagine you as someone who cares about women on this site when I remember all the nasty comments that you have made about them over the years.


Thank you!

nooooooooooooo :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy:

Exactly; at every occasion when new girl who work in porn entered the flat, I saw his impropriety and harmful remarks on this and previous forum about girls who work in that industry, but also others, who in his opinion are only prostitutes and do the service; all the time he claimed those women have no right to be at vhtv and their place is back on the street, but now he’s pretending to be the women human right defender; what a pity, little boy got desire to be a sheriff, but he can’t because of insufficient knowledge; btw, for all to whom it may concern and who disbelief, his famous tirades are probably still on cc;

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