Viola Weber, Sasha Paige

so nothing wrong with the action my dearest beloved friend Torey?

Hey,do you know why they removed the apartment from the list again?? What happened? Have they left the project or will they come back??

read the comments

You really are the most deluded person i have ever met. There have been more than 40 minutes since she p________t and the Realm was taken offline. In all this time the poor girl didnā€™t even move a finger. She was still the same when they went offline. I havenā€™t said anything about Viola & Sasha, i have only got an argument with Sparkles about the fact that we didnā€™t agree that when the a____l (canā€™t call him differently) fingered Viola to me seemed that he was trying to wake her up that way and to Sparkles not. Thatā€™s all. I only said that was shocking to see the girl with glasses laughing instead of helping Viola somehow. If you really want i can cut in parts the record from the time of the clip i have posted till they went offline, i have it.

Sorry, but what have i done?

I m doneā€¦! now waiting for them to come onlineā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just ignore him. Heā€™s not worth any attentionā€¦

More and more tempted tbh

Itā€™s so much better for my nerves til I ignore both of the :man_facepalming: givers :wink:

James always been a very decent guy, i think that itā€™s his love for Sasha that makes him to overthink and overreact sometimes. I completely understand him as it happens to me sometimes with Lyla. I hope that you two will sort things out in a nicely manner

Maybe make an @JamesDeen23 thread you two this is off topic :grin:

He has been targeting me constantly in all topics for days. For now he stays on ignore. I am open to talks via pm. Heā€™s a grown man I assume. What he does with that place is nothing but kindergarten.

Blaming me that they are offline :man_facepalming:. The only ones to blame are themselves for what happened.

Back on topic now. I would be very surprised when they come back online againā€¦

most of the lyla and wayne topic is off topic

Man, nobody blamed Sasha, itā€™s that a____l that was with Viola blamed.

Putting you of ignore to see your answer only to see you call me a rat. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Of course they are responsible for inviting the stupid guys. By the way there were already incidents like that when Viola was with Raymond and they invited bad guests.

youu see what i mean he hates them even for this incident he finds a way to blame them because they invited milana and robien

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I donā€™t know to many details, all i know is that both of you are very decent guys, and i wish/hope you sort this argument out in a mature way. Maybe via Pm after letting things cooling down for a bit

Noooo I am pretty sure they had no clue what these two did before when their manager did not tell or was not aware. Of course I donā€™t hate them for that or even blame them for that.

But look at it from an objective point of view. In each realm the participants are responsible for what their guests do and whom to invite. These two guys meant trouble.

I can deal with many things but personal attacks and attacks I wonā€™t accept. Furthermore I already explained before the word ā€œratā€ is considered a very bad insult in German.

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Back to topic now I really hope they got help for Viola last night and sheā€™s okay now.