Viola Weber, Sasha Paige

You have no clue what you are talking about, just came as usual to make yourself look … i don’t wanna say the word.

What conspiracy??? Did you see what happened? If you’re ok with it you’re just as bad as the guys that took advantage of her. And no, it’s not clear she will be ok. She was out cold and barely breathing.

Her behavior was exactly like Charlize when Cooper and the guest guy r__ed the other girl in the bathroom

Many viewers like this realm and they don’t buy what u r selling you wanna continue that’s ok…. I m out till then….!

You can’t expect normal reaction from people when they are _____ and d__gged.

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Sasha didn’t do s__t as well, but at least she was high/_____ like a kite, so no right judgement expected

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The girl with glasses wasn’t, she was looking perfectly fine compared with all the others. Sasha yes, was gone as well, barely moving and talking

No need to sell anything. The cams don’t lie.

sasha was high… was that why when she was making out and got topless with her bf… she stopped or wonder if something else was going on?

Wonder for how long the manager of that place is willing to lose more money…? :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing that will happen is VHTV shut down for awhile to hide all the evidence and they will be back online, they don’t care about these people and there health. Just the money that they make from them all. So they don’t care that she was being RAPED or DRUGED out of her mind. Either way she was not able to consent to what was happening to her. CONSENT is the KEY word here… Planned Parenthood Video GIF by Mic

shut the fuck up its not her fault she got r__ed is it

your mate henry didnt get fined so why should they?

i bet you dont even care about the r__e you have been trying to get this apartment shut down since the start


But y’all have already put it out there so this will probably be what there 3 time in two months and I don’t want to hear no one filling sad because they are probably going because people keep saying d__gs but don’t know for sure lol and then get mad because they are not on line again you can’t have your cake and eat it too

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you are talking to the wrong person hes been trying to get them shut down because they invited people who said mean words about Ukraine

Was at least 4 times now

It is on VHTV to investigate and decide if there were d__gs or not…

I couldn’t care less if they are online or not… Decision of VHTV and manager how much more risk he wants to take.

And first of all I hope that Viola will be okay…

@jabbath1987 so why are you here then?

So and from the top of your “i don’t care about r__ed girls as long as they put their pussy open for me” throne can you explain what did i do to shut this place down??
Good luck in the end seems you are no better then the other dude that didn’t care about the r__ed girls, was even laughing as these parties are usual and they will be online in the next day for more