Viktor, Kye, Nena


Then why the hell you are here :thinking: if they are not interested and boring…. keep provoking them and make fun of realm and guests…. :smirk: better watch other realm…. and let other enjoy who like them…!

Oh, thanks for clarifying things for us. I was starting to think you had a kitchen fetish like whatdoiknow. :sweat_smile:


Looking good but other than that boring…

Then go to hell….!

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What happened to being nontoxic?? :flushed: :pleading_face: :cry:

is this guy a robot?

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These so called trollers are on most of the realms because no one talk and raise voice against them… if u are remain silent they will turn down realm like other troll and drama realm……

ui, the mood here is very tense right now.

Everyone should now do their yoga exercises and become more relaxed. :man_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position: :woman_in_lotus_position:

Well since some days I get constantly attacked from two persons here for just voicing my opinion. But the ignore list will solve that now. I have enough…

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Sure, but if you lose your temper and call them names then they win. If they are real trolls like you say they are, their goal is to get a negative reaction from you. Making someone lose their temper is one of the first things trolls try to do. :wink:

Silence k__ls everything……!

Ah but that is my favorite type of mood.

Like nails on a chalk board. :smiling_face:

Yes, that front entrance appears to just be a partition that has been put into an archway, so my guess is, that there is a lot more to this place beyond that partition.

Please don’t block them. :pleading_face: It’s more fun when things are spicy. :hot_face: :hot_pepper: :fire:

Whenever I copied/emitted you, you immediately insulted me as a sexist. One is never safe with you. :crazy_face:

Oh really?? What about deaf people? :thinking: :ear:

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