Viktor, Kye, Nena

I really dunno, weird bathrooms, huge terrace, no kitchen…dunno, I’m just guessing. Maybe renting for longer period? Maybe.

Or something completely else :rofl:

A lot of things do not fit there. The entrance door is basically made out of paper so thin is it, The floors seem new and the furniture and the “kitchen” ancient. The terrace looks quite modern… Very strange.


Yes exactly, the fridge is located in the hidden conspiracy kitchen. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

_____s and food are only available away from the cameras because the waiters do not want to be filmed. :rofl: :rofl:

Might be the reason the place goes offline regularly :joy:

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

For me kitchen looks exactly like some ** rbnb :smile:

On the other hand, I would say that the terraces are somewhere in the Vegas…

Airbnb without a fridge and stove?

Ok, one star :rofl:

Well when it is really a place for tourism then maybe there is a chance to get some more interesting open minded people in there? The ones in there now are as boring as the cast from “Crazy House” was.

You even have to earn that one :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t think of that!

Because this is not something will show up in my fav

for someone who hates the place, the cams and thinks the participants are boring you now have the most comments in the topic :joy: :joy:

He is doing on purpose so that realm fall in troll….:smirk:

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Let’s just hope that Nena Victor and kye are having some threesomes, Thé sex they had was really really hot, if they do threesomes again, I stay one more month on vhtv, if not I leave vhtv because there’s no more good sex like before, now it’s just sex underblanket with lights off


Adam Sandler Halloween GIF by Netflix Is a Joke

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No not you….:joy: so called troll moderator…! who only attack on realms…

Nah not for me too. I am mainly interested in the apartment and the concept because that is new (And obviously confusing) Sounds strange but the participants do not interest me here. From Nena we already saw what to expect and I am not a fan of her and the other two couples are simply boring always keeping to themselves.

Yes because the concept interests me. Not interested in the people at all as I said above…

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I also find the people completely uninteresting. Ok, Nena looks good, but that’s about it…