Viktor, Kye, Nena

Lots of stereotypes here. India this, India that. India is HUGE. Do you guys have any idea at all. They are probably in a small tourist destination where the rent is cheap and the houses are old. I know the place. Its a tourist hotspot. This is not even a percent of India and BTW my Indian net has 1Gbps Upload and DL… Not bad…

Stay away from these comments with racist undertones.


But you don’t have to take every pun seriously, please :wink:

If you know which language the “play on words” comes from, you might take it more lightly.

In German there are some opposites, on the one hand there were puns which could be hurtful for certain groups, on the other hand I don’t know of any language/country where such massive attention is paid to politically correct expressions.

As a result, due to the pressure that prevails in Germany to say everything in a gender-appropriate manner, people sometimes switch to very “simple” language. This is just an explanation, not an apology.

Regarding the Internet connection, you can find everything in Germany within a few KM from modern times to the 90s. Of course, it also depends on how much money you invest in your internet connection.


Jetzt haben Sie mit deutschen Sprüchen hier die Fettnäpfchen alle troffen. :crazy_face: Eine Art “Englischer Humor” wie in teilweise NotSeth anwendet, kann auch nach hinten losgehen.

Ich denke Sie wollten nach allem M/W/D und Genderwahnsinn ein Witz über Indien machen oder?

ich bin sachse, da heißt das nun mal inderned :wink:

I complained about that last year. I was advised to buy a bigger screen. Now I’m sitting here in front of a 65" screen and still have to scroll… :rage: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Da fallen mir auch zwei (böse) Witze/Sprüche über Sachsen ein, aber nein … wir sind freundlich …

Nehmen wir nur den eher netten: “Sachsen wo die schönen Frauen wachsen.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You also need to change the screen setting/screen resolution: 800x600 just makes everything look really big. :joy: :rofl:

This girl is truly charming.:fire:


There is definitely another House right next to them

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Quite tempted to try to lift her skirt up once or twice when watching :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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It looks like there are 3 pairs and Kye as a single for special games. :thinking:

Sherlock hasn’t got a look in :rofl: :rofl:

S__te, i have just noticed that i have pressed T instead of R by mistake. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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His flight hasn’t been booked yet, he’s still thinking about the excuse for the “business trip”… :joy: :rofl:

Last night before going to s___p, i stayed few good minutes with on cam 18 loggia , listening to the birds singing (was 9 am over there). Soo relaxing… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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