i think thats was only 10 last time i was there so big improvment there


yeah last time i was on i felt robbed hardly any cams boring all round so im definitley interested now

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From curiosity, I just went and had a look…wow…a lot of the participants from 2 years ago when i was a member are still there :open_mouth:

But same story, most of the apartments empty, that’s what made me leave

RLC has enough sex content of all genres? straight, lesbian, etc? it’s not searchable i guess

such a liar :joy: :joy: :joy:

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yeah but not gay sex

Ofcourse they do have like others

I am there now…lol

how can you know if most apartments are empty if you are not a subscriber? :joy: :joy: :joy:

From here ? :roll_eyes:


In fairness there are 2 apartments with pools, that’s a big plus

its not showing any empty apartments so i do not understand you. If you were subscriber 2 years ago you would know they are not apartments but villas with the pools and one got added. As jabbeth would say are you slow on the uptake?

@jamesdeenV3 are you a full subscriber if so is it worth the money to sign up

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i would do the trial and then judge for yourself

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I’ve really only got the room for one of the websites and it’s hard to look past the archive here. It’s also a bit easier to tell who is who and also who knows who with the wiki here

will do thanks

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I have a basic membership of RLC and as of 14.45 BST RLC have 21 Apartments live and of those 4 are empty. (using the motion sensor facility)

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Fuck sake man, it says there very clear: “Popular cameras now”, yes? That’s where something is happening…
I can see that my fav Villa is still there and some of my old favs like Leora, Dasha, Masha…

Hope they don’t have forum and connections coz I don’t wanna deal with kids :sweat_smile:

thats one of the reasons im liking the idea of going back to RLC

you just said most apartments are empty and i asked how can you know that and then you sent a screenshot of the popular cams. if you use the motion slur it would show 4 are empty. The popular cams are not showing any empty apartments because guess what… they are the popular cams so you just flat out lied for no reason