đŸ”„ VHTV Telegram Channel

It’s up to you on how to get updates. It’s just yet another medium for us to reach our audience.

But that’s my whole point, why do you want yet another medium?
Especially one that not many have even heard of.
What’s wrong with your current forum medium?

C___dren should not use Telegram or WhatsApp at all or when they do it only when an adult is with them to guide them. And I do not think porn will be instant death when a c___d accidently sees it. I think violence and introducing them to guns is far worse :stuck_out_tongue:

Can i have the middle part of that post in english please :laughing:

What exactly do you want again? Very short:

Porn when accidently watched by c___d not as bad as violence or introducing them to guns

i think he meant instant rather than instead - makes sense then !

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S__t. What a silly typo. :see_no_evil: I will fix it :+1:

Ahhh now iunderstood that ok :laughing:
But a c___d shouldn’t have access to porn anyway but in this confused and fucked up world it seems anything goes these days which is so sad.
No one seems to want to have any responsibilty anymore as long as their perverted habits are catered for.

Didn’t deny that. But it is not the end of the world when it happens accidently :stuck_out_tongue:

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Because eggs and baskets. Forum doesn’t fit us to post short and informative messages quick and to be able to show those anywhere we like. We did achieve this with Twitter before, showing our widget below the player. I hope we will be able to develop our new widget for our Telegram channel to be able to show the feed at VHTV as we did before.

Not for you maybe but it could be for the c___d.
I realise that the genie is out of the bottle now and social media will always be the scourge of society now when in the wrong hands as is often the case unfortunately.
Whether it is a good or bad thing is open to debate but it can easily damage young minds. Having said that it doesn’t often do a lot for adult minds either :laughing:

I actually like the telegram better. Maybe I am the minority here :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Telegram rocks for sure. Now when I know you can disable mature content filtering I love it even more. When we launched the channel I knew there is a limitation for iOS which will fire sooner or later. Didn’t expect it to trigger within a week though, but glad our viewers will be able to view our channel even with Apple mobile devices, if they enable corresponding setting.

Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 13.19.57@2x

A fully expected response from a company which is only bothered in expanding their business. No problem. But i didn’t bother with Twitter either. I am afraid i work on the principle that what i don’t know about i don’t miss.
No doubt whatever you do the forum will know about it eventually.

I am happy I never bothered with iOS. But of course Android has “its moments” too :wink:

Well the other day you had never heard about it either so it wasn’t that much of a disadvantage eh. :laughing:
Obsessive people will always use whatever is put in front of them if it will further their pleasures :laughing:

Read again and you will see I was talking about Mastodon. I am using Telegram for years already.

Oh yeah, sorry, i do remember now vaguely :laughing:
Should have realised that being the expert you are on these matters :laughing:

In this world porn shouldn’t be for c___dren. Agreed. But should the evening news be available because they show shootings, nutcases driving into crowds, war, hunger, homelessness and on and on. Oh, let’s not miss forest fires, dried up lakes that give us _____ing water, food, electricity and floods, ugh

You missed out floods, famine and plagues of locusts, what a bad bad world we live in eh :rofl: