VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

They’ve been and back and added a few aliens in the forum :space_invader: :alien: :rofl:

The whole time I had the impression that many of these people couldn’t have come from our planet… :sweat_smile:

Because the universe lives in your own head :rainbow: + :heart: = :milky_way:


Very wise words :+1:

The problem is that you rely on Jabbath too much. For sure, he helps you with a lot of things and to a large extent you need him. Not to mention he’s cheap. In truth though, you outsourced you company values to his values in many ways and for the most part you just go along with it and call it your own. You give him just enough leash to keep it going. I really don’t think that you have it in you to establish values of your own. The personality and values of this forum are not really yours, nearly as much as the are his.

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You are obsessed with him, yet again. I’m sorry your love to him is not mutual, it happens. But could you please get rid of it for us all here? Instead of making a point, you just annoy others.

Friendships and the reasons for their demise leave an eternal struggle in some people, I suppose. I guess “I’ll always be there for your my friend” means something different to others. The fact that you would say that to me is telling and really does show the validity of my thinking in this regard. Anyways, maybe you’ll last longer than I did. Good luck!

I just don’t understand why don’t you keep it to yourself? Why do you think everybody needs to know about your personal struggles in almost every message you make?

Not seen any different fucking strategies :rofl:

:cowboy_hat_face: :popcorn:

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

Want a refill? :joy:

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I’m not on about participants I’m speaking about some viewers :rofl: :rofl:

Very simple, because this is the place where my feelings about it lives. There isn’t anyone or anywhere else I could possibly speak to the issues that I have. Maybe I just need closure. A means to an end that would somehow clear the air and let it finally rest. Clearly that is not possible. I’m in a state of limbo and so I b___d on you.

I used the :open_mouth: because you took away the :man_facepalming: .
FYI :rofl:

Well, you’re a natural at making the :open_mouth: face.

Do you get a lot of practice at home?

So sorry, I don’t have a home. Would you like to adopt me :question:
No, it’s kind of like your standing bitch face I am guessing :man_shrugging:

What have you all done to my poor little forum topic… :unamused:

Do I need to rename this topic The Thunder Dome? :thinking: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I’m fucking done!