VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

I think all could be a bit too encompassing :laughing:

That’s what I tell everybody all the time. You are here for each other. Sometimes, one doesn’t need VHTV at all to keep coming here. :heart:

Do the slaps have to be on your face? I can think of some other places the slaps would be more pleasant.

:wave: :wave: :peach:

Soooooooo what about my :clown_face: emoji idea??


Over my body. Do you know you have unlimited emotions available in Chat?

Just a reminder, VHTV Forum Chat is available to VHTV Premium & Standard subscribers. From now on it is also available to Trust Level 3 group of users :facepunch:t3:

Hey @NotSeth you must be honoured to be in in trust level 3 wow :laughing:

When you know, you know :wink:

My first post today :joy: :joy:

I’m sorry I thought your post was funny. How else should I have reacted to it?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you two ever considerd to meet up and _____ a beer together?

Might be a very pleasant meeting

I would have loved to, but he is living in Private info removed, so very far away from me :cry:

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Are you revealing locations of other forum members?

Lol, yes, i did, he is located on the planet Earth somewhere on the GMT+4 area according to a pic HE posted here on the forum

Yes, you did Seth. You only need to remember when you take screenshots of pms and post them here on the forum, that the time might be displayed on your phone/tablet. :wink:

No worries, i don’t care where you live, i have asked you once or twice and that’s all :hugs:

Have you heard of a VPN?? Also, I don’t own a tablet…

Again, i don’t care

Was just to show you that, unlike you, i don’t lie bub :hugs:

Well, your information isn’t correct either. :wink:

123456789 :man_facepalming:

Think we got enough of them active in the forum without any extra help :rofl:

OK Bozo :wink: :clown_face:

You must mean for others to use against Amy. I don’t react to posts that often and when I do, it’s usually a heart. I don’t really care too much for the way this forum is managed by “the community” because it’s not really the community, it’s those with the most power and influence guiding what can be said to suit their own self interests and level of enjoyment. The result is clear. It makes it very predictable and boring since a central mindset is enf___ed one way or the other by them. It runs pretty much like I said it does. In the shape of the leaders attitudes and ass kissing circles and not much else. I’d personally rather see posters rattling off crazy ideas and calling the tenants whores and sluts, than read through the kindergarten level silliness that “the community” allows. Guess that’s what you want it to be too. All in all I give your forum :star2::star::star::star::star:, which is fine by me really. It’s freed up a lot of time for me.