VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

its clear what you and sparkles and john are implying and it shows what kind of people you are that you don’t mention names but use the term “the group” or “troll gang” and also it was most likely the system as vhtv said otherwise they would be a explanation. Its not a coincidence you three are the only ones trying to blame a “group” almost like its coordinated

That’s not required and shouldn’t even be a question, let alone an issue.

Is the face slap leader named Heisenberg? :thinking:



I thought this was an adult website and not kindergarten

Proceed to do what is told for you to do. VHTV Forum and VHTV are two different entities with two different set of policies. You managed to v_____e some of Main policies now, so go contact VHTV support in order to resolve it.

Actually, I wasn’t going to come down to your trolls level and even answer, but I’m bored so I’m going to write just for pleasure myself;

yes you are right, hey you are not at school now and also why did your parents give you that phone, they taught you to attack and make fun of it when it should have been training first… also I already said these words to you trolls before for kindergarten, but thanks for leveling up your brains & have fun with your hands KIDS … :raised_back_of_hand:t2::+1:t2:

  • And also Before you say a word, take a look at yourself…

  • Now, Can I take your facepalms or Smiles trolls group and CEO Torey :troll: ??? :sunglasses:

Hey kids,

How about replacing :man_facepalming:t3: with :hugs: ?


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I miss the hug button :hugs:
I wish it would come back

What a great idea, I will look forward to that being implemented in the reaction system :hugs:

@VHTV_James nothing nicer could be said, thanks, I wish we could only do emojis in a positive way, and those who think negatively can’t give anything, because that way everyone would at least look at it positively… if anyone with a negative opinion would post…

I hope you do that too…:+1:t2::pray:t2:

30 Rock Yes GIF by ADWEEK

@VHTV_James even this :-1:t2: can be changed to 🫶🏻

And :angry: to :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: - as I said if everything is positive - everyone becomes positive :heart:


There is an unwritten rule to have at least one negative reaction for Amy to use :princess:t3:

I did suggest removing the facepalm reaction nearly a month ago

Let’s welcome :hugs: to VHTV Forum reactions!


Please do a hard reload if you can’t see it by Ctrl+Shift+R / Cmd+Shift+R

Thank you :+1:

I like your idea, I wouldn’t hold my breath about it making everyone positive, however. That’s not being negative, just realistic.

Leave the facepalm. That’s the least negative one.

You see, we have to deal with people who get triggered easily by placing a facepalm below their post. The funny thing is that the next :man_facepalming:t3: will become a :laughing:, I bet it will…

Let the paranoia begin…