VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

It will make things messy imho. There a a lot of people that like starting new realm topics. Just like there are people that really like giving participants and guests names. So if people are getting to start the topics early it is giving them an unfair advantage. Again why can’t we just make things fair for everyone going forward? If we doing I think it would save us from some of the headaches we are now facing. :hugs:

What is not forbidden, is allowed :woman_shrugging:

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Do not worry I get it. I just did not want to put every tenant under general suspicion here. :kissing_heart:

We? Seems you are the only one having problems with that.

Sure but being allowed doesn’t mean best or fair. :man_shrugging:t2: Haha for example giving people the :-1: reaction is allowed but look how much trouble that is causing some people.

no… it is because you and your team that we are discussing this

if you would not have started flagging there would be much time and energy saved to enjoy the beautifull weather

No I am just the one with the biggest mouth and/or awake atm… :sweat_smile:

Plus if we don’t want things fair I can live with that. Just no complaining please when it doesn’t go your way. :wink:

If you stayed on topic we would have no problem at all… :wink:

Ah I see another big mouth has arrived. :grin:

what was off topic then?

it was all about Conderella ( as he named her sometime)

and it was all related to the topic and the things happend in there

not about chinese food or the colour of the neighbour’s lawn, that would be offtopic

Then every off topic post should be flagged including yours but that did not happen

Feel free to start flagging

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Everyone just started fighting and then things went to s__t with the quickness. Did we ever figure out the flagging issues?

thanks for the compliment, but i gonna get some chinese food now and enjoy my lawn, which is much greener than my neigbours :wink:

i did and nothing happened instead i just got attacked by the admin and leaders for something thats nothing to do with the topic

Seems people did not agree with your opinion.

Not necessarily, could be there needs to be a few more people to agree with his opinion. There is still time for that to happen. :wink:

I think you just ignore the point of keeping comminuty civil

Also, approve of flag doesn’t mean hiding the post. Flag can be approved and the post may be still kept.

I will say there was a much less abrasive way for JD to say that which personally I think would have been more effective.

context is important. I said that on purpose because he said the same thing in another topic which u just ignored