VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

Oh, no, I’m just literally in desert and there is no fresh air outside this time of the day. Discussing problems is fine and key to solution :thinking:

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So we can start realm topics for guests before they even launch now? If that is so I want to call dibs on starting the RyRy realm topic if it ever launches! :hot_face: :fire:

I assume John knew they will come online. I do not see a problem with it.

Oh how would he know for sure? He is only a normal forum user. Only management should know that type of information.

Anyway if I can start the RyRy realm topic all will be good and I will be a happy young man. :blush: :hugs:

I do not know but it turned out his information was correct.

Nope it wasn’t correct as he thought the realm would be launching on Friday.

Regarding topics named after guests - why not if in general discussion? Moving Johns topic to General after some time passed was nice move and I fully agree with it

Regarding specific John’s topic - he apologised for getting it too early, but he was informed they are launching that day from tenants and isn’t really guilty about a launch being delayed. Being excited is not bad at all, forum is mostly about tenants and it’s very pleasant to see people are waiting for a new place to come, or a guest to arrive :smiling_face:

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Thank you, so I can do something right on here then :joy::joy:

Yes but others were also equally excited and also had the same information that Cinderella’s realm would be launching. It has always been to wait until a realm launches to start the realm topic. It keeps it fair for everyone. I know there were users that were upset that John got to start the topic early. No it was not me. LMAO :sweat_smile: When people get special treatment it can build animosity and jealousy which eventually leads to a toxic forum environment. That is my biggest concern.

Sure you do, I was going to make same thing and noticed you’ve already helped! Couple of viewers said they didn’t really understand why do they see a topic but not the apt itself and it was really misleading for them.

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But what is the specific treatment he’s got on this? John created a topic a litte bit earlier, circumstances changed and Shyguy moved it after some time. Everything is fair.

P.S. Maybe you just want a topic in apt section for Itchi and were looking for a casus belli…(sorry for my little joke in advance :slight_smile: )

Well humor is subjective. I am quite certain there will be a lot of different forum members getting a good laugh from all of this. :smiley:

Not sure if getting a laugh would be the term i would use to describe it, so many of us are just fed up with the pathetic mud slinging going on all the time.
Funny old world eh.!!!

Well for one getting the special information of when the realm would be launching. Second what is so wrong about giving everyone a fair chance at starting a realm topic for a new realm when it launches? We have always done this by waiting for the realm to launch before starting the topic. Isn’t equality generally the best way to keep a community happy?

Well then @Flora informed him wrong.
the realm was not launched and the name was not Cinderella, but Cinderella and Isidor

As it wasn’t VHTV but tenants informing John personally, obviously he just asked them - it’s not a problem as everyone is allowed to do the same. Me and our support team never give any certain information on questions like that to avoid misleading as we can’t influence all the circumstances and people who are involved.

Besides, I don’t mind if anyone else starts a topic a little bit earlier, then gets it moved and apologises (not even necessary), so it’s fair I guess?

Yeah I have to say even I am starting to reach my limit with it. I’m not sure why people can’t be ok with agreeing to disagree.

Thanks for reporting this, I will request an awareness with some tenants regarding sharing internal information in advance :ok_hand:

Do we know for sure it was Flora? Could have also been Cinderella herself. As we do not know we should not accuse people for things…

I meant “some tenants” to refer to those who do that, let them managers do research by themselves
surprised i don't believe you GIF by Saturday Night Live

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